Welcome back for another Game of Thrones Season 7 Prediction video. In this video I list several characters that I think could end up killing Melisandre at some point next Season. She’s had a few close calls already, and I think during Season 7 her time will run out. Thanks for watching the video. Let me know who you think will kill Melisandre!

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  1. this is a total tinfoil theory. melisandre told varys that both her and varys would die in westeros. ok onto my theory. jon snow ends up killing her when she comes north again thus bringing to life lightbringer.i think nessa nessa was a red women with magical abilities just like melisandre or at least had magic azor ahai plunged lightbringer into her heart and the sword was born. for the sword to be reborn again maybe it also needs the blood of a magical woman melisandre being executed by jon could be the key to lightbringer and the final element of the prophecy. just a stab in the dark here.

  2. Melisandre should be killed by a dragon, perhaps while Jon is riding it, since she has burned so many other people. Yet I'd like to have Sir Davos get his revenge for Shireen's death by Melisandre…

  3. something to deal with the lightbringer… nissa nissa's descendance maybe ? cause she knows she s gonna die at westeros, i assume it would be at any moment through the great war… she got something to do with the lightbringer…

  4. I must be the only one at this stage that actually likes Melisandre, I think her storyline is intensely interesting. She might have done some terrible things, but so have most of the characters people love.

  5. Her days are truely numbered! I think Daenerys will hold her accountable for her deeds. After Jon and Davos get to Dragonstone they will tell Dany what the red witch has done. She will call down some major Targaryn justice on Millissandre. She will call in the dragons and whisper a little word to Drogon…drakarys….and the witch will get torched by the dragon!! What poetic justice…put to the flame by a dragon in Dragonstone!!! Can't wait! Did you see that in the flames?

  6. Yeah, you are right, between Gendry, Davos, Arya and Jon, Mellisandre doesn't have much going for her…even though she brought Jon Snow back to life. I thought she might be helpful to Jon in his fight against the Knight King but really, she does deserve to die.

  7. Remember valyria??? I hear that when she conquered the seven kingdoms with three dragons a huge army and magic with witches, and i believe danearus is following her ancestors footsteps. So in season 8 i believe that melisandre will burn the whites with daenerys dragon, heres the twist, she can bend fire that dragons produce🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥

  8. I would like to know what the GOT planet looks like, The shadow lands trips me out i imagine a moon that creates a shadow and sometimes covers the whole globe every few thousand years causing the whites to show up.


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