Fall TV season is off and running. What do we have to say about it on Take the Black Live? Plenty.

Today, we’re zeroing in on the launch of Disney+, the company’s new streaming service, which was a hit pretty much right out of the gate, as it was always destined to be. What does this mean for the coming streaming wars? And what do we think of the service’s flagship show, The Mandalorian? Is it a worthy standard-bearer for the series? We get into it, with light SPOILERS sprinkled in.

In Game of Thrones news, we chat a little about the newly revealed development team behind House of the Dragon, HBO’s upcoming prequel show. Also, George R.R. Martin lets loose with his frank feelings about fanfiction, a phenomenon that has long fascinated me. We break it down.

The Take the Black Podcast is on iTunes and Google Play! Please subscribe and download from there if you can. Also, you can help us out by giving us a five-star rating and leaving a friendly comment! We’re also now on Spreaker, so try us there, as well.

We’ll be back next Wednesday with more vital news you literally cannot do without. Join us live on our Facebook page at 4:00 p.m. CST!

Next: TV critics name the 20 best shows of the decade

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