My thoughts on the upcoming 8th seasons of both the walking dead and game of thrones.



  1. Still you don’t really understand the walking dead if you think it’s been shitty that long. It hasn’t. Also Negan is pretty close to the book hun. That’s how Negan is just without the word fuck lol. At least TWD makes sense most of the time. GoT doesn’t even have that anymore.

  2. While the walking dead is not what it was. It still has major book themes. While I’ll admit. Season 8 has actually bored me so far. I’m sad cuz I can’t bear for it to turn into GoT disaster. Still got Outlander…..for now

  3. Season 7 of Game of Thrones was so crap, its so disappointing that this is what it was all building up to. If and when they reboot in in future they should reboot it as a cartoon or something.

    Hey i like your breakdowns man, keep em coming.

  4. I understand why u think walking dead is shit now but I disagree with the zombies not being a threat. They couldn’t have zombies being a threat for 8 seasons that would of got old real quick


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