Just like Sansa Stark (Sophie Turner) after seeing her father’s severed head on a spike, many fans likely still think about that horrific image today. However, in his Reddit AMA discussion, Sean Bean reveals that when the prosthetic, decapitated head had finished its job in front of the camera, the lifelike object became the source of some good ol’ fashioned sporting fun.

In the AMA, u/Parmizan asked Bean, “Is it a weird feeling to see just your head onscreen? I mean, surely it must be kind of strange in a way?” Bean responded with a little more of a reveal than expected. He answered, “It was a bit strange, yeah, a bit creepy. We just kicked it around like a football!” Of course, this bit of inside information causes quite the image. Just thinking about Ned Stark’s bearded face rolling around back-and-forth between kicks, falls somewhere between shocking and hilarious. 

Naturally, fans involved in the discussion gave their opinions on Dean’s ball story. U/Zaxtas bluntly offered up a dark opinion with, “Well that’s grim.” Others found the humor Bean seemed to be leaning towards, like with u/Parmizan, who replied, “That sounds fun actually, I’m just imagining Joffrey’s actor lapping it up!” Well, “fun” is surely one word often used to describe this series. And although the beheading of Ned Stark was traumatic for many “Game of Thrones” fans, just knowing that his head went to good use afterward will hopefully bring a bit of comfort.



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