“The Dragon and the Wolf” 7×07 Game of Thrones Season Finale Review

Sam and Bran find out that Jon is actually Aegon 6.5(?). Sansa, Arya, and Bran figure out how to take down Littlefinger… off screen. Viserion and Sindragosa from WoW have adorable ice dragon babies. Jon wins Daenerys’ heart by being dumb as hell. Theon and Jon have a heart to heart (but remember, him not having balls is VERY important to his character progression, so we gotta bring that up). Jaime puts everything Cersei owns in a box to the left.

I give it four Aegons out of ten.

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Thief in the Night
by Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com)
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0

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Thief in the Night
by Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com)
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0



  1. Hopefully your happy birthday made up for the inevitable treachery of D&D, you knew they were going to disappoint, you just didn't know how much. Personally I could have done without the entire zombie dragon story, it's like the way we were at 11 years old with comic book characters, but hey, it sells. I'm with you on Aegon, it felt lazy (like Martin's writing lately [drumroll/symbal crash])

  2. Imagine a guy like Littlefinger telling Sansa to plan for "all" possibilities only to do nothing about the all-seeing Bran. Jeez, he sucked at following his own advise.

  3. And Wouldn't Sansa get heat for lying to the Vale Lords cough Yohn Royce cough and how is a lordling being missing for years now back but extremely mentally damaged sound creditable or arya this show is just a dumpster fire.

  4. You know, I had been looking forward to seeing a flashback of Rhaegar Targaryen for a very, very long time. I was hoping for a conversation or two between him and Lyanna…maybe some brief scenes showing the tourney at Harrenhal. They could have made that a real set piece and a focal point for the season. If they'd wanted to, that is. Instead, what we got was…well, to me it was completely underwhelming. The only positive I take away is that maybe it's better to just wait for the book, where hopefully we will get some more satisfying answers about that tourney and exactly what happened. Still, it would have been nice to see it…

  5. I disagree on the Rhaegar/lyanna flashback. That line 'roberts rebellion was built on a lie' was pointing to Robert rebelling was based off his girl getting stolen, presumably against her will. But that was a lie. Its sort of like how in WW1 how arch Duke Franz Ferdinand got assassinated and that tipped off WW1; yes, other things contributed to starting the war, not just that event, but that single event is what tipped over the war.

    Also viserys was shown to emulate his brother because he looked up to him, hence its understandable he has the same hair (however, I think that was a poor move on d&d since alot of people actually thought it was viserys).

    I agree that Aegon should not have been the name. Even if they're trying to make it less confusing for casual viewers introducing all these targ names, Aemon would've been better.

  6. Hey danzie! You were absolutely right about this the winterfil scenes were awful, bran obviously forgot some critical historical details and the character development failed. If they writers just want to get the show over with, their should be new writers

  7. This is the first of your season 7 reviews that I mostly agree with! lol. Only thing I didn't agree with was the Roberts Rebellion part, I took the Roberts Rebellion was built on a lie part as that Robert deep down realized what actually happened & it just fueled his hated of the Targs even more. Rhaegar still did really take the woman he loved. They did simplify it down, however & didn't mention what Aerys did to the Starks again. The fact that they did mention what Aerys did to Brandon & Rickard earlier in the season is what saves it for me. They did acknowledge it, but simplified it down for maximum effect, I guess.

  8. Been waiting for this one! I pretty much agree with all the points you made. With Jaime being my favorite character in the books, I've been incredibly disappointed with him staying with Cersei this long and irritated every time they showed him in bed with Cersei. I think this opens up some opportunity for his character to be redeemed in the show…but then again we only have 6 episodes left. The whole Dragon Pit scene was inconsequential besides the Clegane Bowl tease once Cersei revealed the whole thing was bullshit anyways. At least Theon finally got some a scene this season even if they almost squandered again with yet another dick joke.

  9. I personaly thought that every scene in King's Landing was great, except for the Sendor – Gregor reunion.
    It felt like the producers shouting at us: "Hey remember when you wanted Cleganebowl? We are doing Cleganebowl! Get it? GET IT?!?!?!? GET HYPED!!!!!111". I'm personally hyped to see the golden company's war elephants, because I love elephants. ¯_(ツ)_/¯
    And after watching your review, I changed my mind about the Jaime scene, it's stupid how only now Jaime decided to leave Cersei (I also think that Lena Headey deserves a reward for her acting this season).
    Winterfail this season was stupid and useless.

  10. The way I look at it. Season 1-4 were amazing. Not perfect, no show (or even book) is perfect. Season 5-7 were good, but when you compare an average show to GOT it will always look terrible, I think that's why so many people are disappointed in these last three seasons.

  11. Happy Birthday ! Honestly I think DnD alignments work very rarely anyways, even when it is not about a specific character the discussion what any alignment actually means has probably lead to more nerdy arguments than the show ever did. I am always open to character analysis and Theon is definitively one of the more complex ones to tackle.

  12. Hey guys! Sorry this video was so late!

    A mix of things came up this September, including mental health issues, birthday celebrations, and my niece being born (blue eyes and black hair – she's a Baratheon)!


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