The Duellists is a fantastic movie with some of the most beautiful cinematography I have ever seen. The swordplay is ultra realistic and probably captures what real sword fights were like. It is a film masterpiece. Enjoy!



  1. QUESTION: This movie is considered to have some very realistic dueling scenes.
    But how come when we watch dueling in the Olympics, it's completely different ???
    For every round (or reset) it usually takes about 2 seconds for one of the duelers to make contact with their opponent.
    However, in the bull-crap movies, even like this one, there is a lot of BLOCKING with the swords, and it takes a long time for one of the fighters to make contact with the other.
    Isn't it true that dueling scenes, even in the better movies, are still utter bullshit ???

  2. This is spectacular! I'm gonna go se this movie right now!

    I have no idea why more movies don't do this. If crazy, over-the-top, unrealistic action makes a fight scene better… they why the fuck is this one so good??


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