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  1. Arya is dead and she died in that dark room. This theory is supported by

    1. The waif in season 6, episode 3 questioning arya about her family and list in a way she seemed like she was preparing to be arya. This is key to the entire theory. Watch this training session again and ask yourself why the waif asked arya if she is sure that was everyone on her list and whether she wasnt leavign a name out.

    2. The waif wasnt no one but a pupil, more advanced than arya vying to be no one too. When the waif saw Jaqen treated arya preferentially, she was jealous of arya. The waifs rules seemed to soften when he dealt with arya and he didnt punish her appropriately for her failures. So this was motive for the waif to be arya since part of their powers was being anyone they wanted to be once they were 'no one'.

    3. The test for being 'no one' is losing your identity for good and taking on the identity of another. I think when Jaqen saw the waifs face on the wall, and arya standing in front of him, his statement, 'there she is and here you are', followed by 'finally the girl is no one' confirms the waif had finally become no one. The waif saying 'the girl is arya stark of winterfell' and Jaqens grin further confirms the success the waif had in being arya. Almost like a statement born out of frustration that it took this long to be no one. That the waif said the girl is arya stark of winterfell wasnt her rejecting the achievement of being 'no one' but confirming her new identity.

    4. Now with the waif wearing arya's face, one of the first scenes was her meeting with hotpie. This conversation showed the waif didnt know about arya meeting brienne. She guessed when she told hotpie 'she found me' and the conversation had other suspicious countenance and behavior of arya that was very unlike her.

    5. Then at the gate of winterfell, arya met two guards and asked who was in charge if Jon wasnt there. The guards said lady stark. She asked which lady stark and the guards said 'you tell us since you are the one inpersonating her sister'. So here, the real arya should have known her aunt was dead, in that case, they should be no other lady stark which makes her question either in appropriate or who ever was at that gate, didnt know arya had only one sister. She was led on by the guards answer 'you are the one inpersonating her sister'.. 'her sister' implies one female and aryas thought there was suspicious because she may have been thinking about the name 'sansa' which i suspect she forgot. This scene is extremely suspicious.

    6. When sansa met arya, arya didnt seem genuinely emotional. Her remark about Neds face and her need to say they were both alive was robotic and lastly when she met bran and bran gave her the valerian knife, bran felt or sensed something.

    7. When arya read the letter sansa wrote to rob, she vented about seeing sansa in her pretty dress and fancy hair, then sansa asked 'you were there?' and arya said 'yes, and added that she was in the crowd near the baelow's satue'.. This wasnt true. Arya was on the baelows statue and she saw from the statue when sansa was screaming and restrained by joeffreys soldiers. This arya was bitter and missed the details of the event. This is akin to the clues before the red wedding. As their arguement went on, sansa told arya she never would have survived what she went thru, arya's response was 'well, we'll never know'.. This statement may mean because arya is dead, then they will never know. If it meant otherwise with arya being alive, then they could have simply shared stories to find out whether or not arya could have survived what sansa went thru.The fact that 'we will never know' came from arya is significant because only the waif as arya and maybe jaqen knows the real arya is dead.

    8. When sansa saw arya's bag with the faces, arya said, 'back in braavos, before i got my first face, there was a game i used to play' .. Now this implies that she is wearing a face and the only one who played the game was the waif… When this arya decided to play a game like the waif did with sansa and when sansa said she didnt want to play and questioned arya further, arya said 'the game of faces didnt turn out well for the last person who asked me questions'… The last person who asked the waif questions was the real arya. There is a reason they made all of us think arya was trained in the dark enough to set up her death to take place in the dark. I sense aryas trainer in season 1 was from bravos and what ned stark saw during one of arya's training session was how she died. I believe the waif killed arya the exact way ned witnessed her trainer strike her. I think when bran sees this, there would be flashbacks to what ned saw.

    9. Melisandre's prophecy that she sees something dark in arya with eyes staring at her can mean the darkness was to happen in the future when someone took over face. The brown eyes, blue eyes and green eyes are 3 more kills for arya from the moment of her death with the waif doing the killings. Little finger is brown eyes, i think bran is blue eyes and cersei is green eyes. I think the waif as arya will kill bran because bran will see inside the dark room. Bran already felt something when he handed arya the valerian knife.

    These are theories that strongly suggests arya is dead. Most people missed this because they didnt understand the conversation between jaqen and the waif before and after he sent the waif to kill arya. Most will question how the waif as arya knew about ned stark applauding her for shooting the arrow accurately, they producers tried to give us hints the waif as part of her training arya, wanted to know every single detail about arya in season 6 episode 3. Have this theory at the back of your mind going into season 8, so you are not suprised after arya kills cersei and she removes her face twice to reveal the waif. The thoughts freaks me out and makes me very sad that arya died in that dark room.

  2. I think the Faceless/Death has a very big problem with the Whitewalkers/Undead because Undead are people who were promised to Death but he didnt get them. So Death ist p*ssed and will help the Starks and co to win.

  3. I've just rewatched season 6 and when Jaquen tells her this is her 2nd and last chance, he specifically makes the implication ''there will be another face on the wall'' – you kill your target or we kill you is the message wed see, BUT he doesn't actually say whose face it has to be. She chooses to save the actress, the waif both kills the actress and tries to kill arya who we believe fails and arya kills her. By arya both killing the waif and putting the waif's face on the wall she has indirectly kept her side of the deal.

    The chase through bravos leading the waif to the darkened room where she's hidden needle is really showing Arya's target is the waif, therefore she's given to the faceless god and provided him a new face for his followers

  4. Why would the Faceless want to hatch a dragon egg that they may or may not posess? Useing a big dragon that can't hide goes against their whole way to do stuff! They are also not after power or after ruleing anywhere. They are sworn to their god to deliver the gift exactly as their tradition commands!

    That being said they use the gifts of their gods which can be described as magic. So snooping around in the citadel is likley something they would do out of sheer principle.

    I'm also not convinced that Arya failed her test. As said we know little and we have seen tests where she wasn't told the goal or the rules before. Maybe finishing her list is exactly what she needs to do to become no one and at the same time a service to the Many Faced God. Let's not forget she prays for those deaths regulary and should it be this way her repayment for being able to carry the list out with the skills she learned is life long service afterwards.

  5. This video strengthens my argument that Arya is not only the one who (and further more the only capable character needed) defeats the night king. She will wear his face. He's dead. To all provided information it is certain that faceless men can take and wear the face of dead. She can take and wear his face. It's probably available to the equivalent eBay world of westeros for fabulously outrageous known world currency.

  6. God, with such a mysterious person you can give birth to amazing theories! I just love Jaqen's character so much! (ever since I first saw him) Just think about it, he could be literally anyone! He could be a Targarian because of the silver hair line. He could also be Syrio Forel! Hell, he can even be Ned Stark for all we know! I can't wait to see if he returns in season 7!

  7. The Faceless Men will be hired by the Iron Bank to kill Serci Lanister. Undead corpses cannot repay a debt. Arya, the Faceless Men, and the Hound will kill Serci. Then Arya wearing Cerci's face will order the Golden Company to defend Kingslanding from the Army of the Dead. If KL fails to the Night King over 1 million soldiers will be added to the Undead Army.

  8. Jaqen isn't Jaqen because the man is no one for the man to become someone the man must become Jaqen and yet still become no one while Jaqen is someone. So the man asks a question… If the faceless man isn't Jaqen and Jaqen is no one then who is Jaqen ?

  9. What if the faceless men serve the Night King (faceless god) in exchange for power of the white walkers and Alchemist/Pate/Faceless man wants to steal the book about dragons to learn how to hatch eggs so that the Night king can have an army of Ice Dragons at his back.

  10. One reason Arya HAD to be recruited was she was a Stark, she will have easier access to kings and queens as she will be a lady from a stately home.. If ever they need to kill a queen?

  11. Jaqen repeatedly talks about serving the many faced God and that only death can pay for life. Arya has since been acting her revenge on whoever she chooses like she did when she killed that scammer in Brovos. I think that because of this Jaqen H'gar will kill Arya in the future.

  12. In case you hadn't realized, when you upload a video to YouTube, YouTube then makes your video so incredibly dark it's hard to make things out. I wish you'd go in after your videos are finally posted on YouTube and lighten the darkness levels so they're easier to see.

  13. You need to remember the story of the first faceless man. He used his arts to kill the Master slavers and free slaves, teaching them to do the same. Jaqen is happy when Arya chooses this path, to kill the unjust in Westeros and free the people, despite what he says. This was her true test. The Faceless Men had ore purpose than just to kill random people for money. They used their arts for higher purposes.

  14. My take on faceless men: their motto is "All men must die." right? And wights are people who died but came back undead, so they didn't die. The core of whitewalker plot is 100% against the faceless men's motto. I think they will be important in the fight against the undead army in season 8.

  15. I think the Iron Bank representative that's collecting on the Lannister debt is a Faceless Man. The payment will go directly to the God of Many Faces, then the real Iron Bank will show up to collect on the same debt and Sersei Lannister is gonna be like 😲

  16. from day one ive maintained jaqen h'ghar was syrio florel. maybe the guy in gold armor did not kill him.would explain why h'ghar was locked up in season 2. all he would have to do would swap clothes with someone else in his cell and he could change his face any time.

  17. sometimes i wonder if the faceless men actually exist. It's supposed to be a kind of religious order but no one (shut up) seems to know it and never mentionned either, and the building is hufge although we only see two of them : Jaquen H'gar and the Waif, AND we're pretty sure the waif is actually a part of Arya and on the other side Jaquen seems to be the many faced god himself (he said "Jaquen H'gar is dead" and few seasons later we find him again as some kind of priest here-not-here but he's not named Jaquen anymore by Arya if i remember well…)
    it's possible Arya became mad and created Jaquen double personnality to make her stronger, then the waif personnality… and at bravos she's in fact in a funeral building or something… But for the identity modification techniques (Walder Frey in particular) i don't know

  18. the part about her being no one. When he gave Aria the coin he told her then she has many names on her list that she can offer up to the red (many faced) god. He said that from the start which kind of makes the being no one thing ever more confusing to me. Went back on what he originally said then went back to it.

  19. I wonder if the face changing is something more along the lines of Tom Hardy in Inception. He learns the backstory and the mannerisms and is able to convince the dreamer that he's a different person (man OR woman). So it could be a combination of using an actual face, but using mimicry to complete the illusion. After all of her training to become no one, it becomes much easier to act as anyone. That could also explain the theory that a faceless man took Ned Stark's place at the beheading and why Arya and Sansa (in the books) said that he didn't look right. Someone you love and are really close with would notice small differences.


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