What do the Faceless Men want in Oldtown? What is Jaqen’s actual mission? Is he there to learn how to destroy a dragon, or how to bring one to life? Or something else entirely?

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  1. On a different note, I have a theory that the faceless men had been contracted to kill Danny (by varys, under the instruction from Robert Baratheon). Danny will learn this and this will be Varys's death prophesied by Melesandra

  2. My guess would be, that while they support death to the masters, and thus would support Daenerys on that principle, and to that end, adversely Dragons represent Valyria and the masters. So yes support Dragons to end the Masters rein, end the Night Kings existence, and then end house Targaryen (Jon and Daenrys), the Dragons, and anything Valyria, for ever. Getting close to Arya would be advantageous. I could very well be wrong, but I would not be surprised if The Spider, is in league with or more likely, a faceless man himself, possibly the leader.

  3. Someone inlisted the faceless men to kill Danny and the dragons and they know that changing their face to do the job will not work when the dragons are around because of their sense of smell .The only people to get close to the dragons besides Danny is Tyrion and Jon Snow both suspected targaryens.I think Jaqen is doing research in order to get the job done remember he said when he gets a name whether it takes a day a month or a year that death is assured

  4. I believe the Faceless Men are contracted to the Iron Bank, and that they spy for them – in a way similar to Varys' "little birds" – to protect the bank's huge investment in the Iron Throne. They would eventually discover that Dany wants to "break the wheel"… which would mean ruin for the Iron Bank… but at the same time they would know about the Great War with the White Walkers. So I think you're definitely onto something with this theory about them looking for ways to kill dragons or hatch them for themselves, or both. I also think the help Jaqen gave Arya would tie into this, since it couldn't hurt to have one of their own at Winterfell… esp. since there are rumors that a dragon lights the hot springs under it, and there is some kind of connection among those hot springs, the fourteen flames under Old Valyria, and the volcano under Dragonstone. Dragon eggs were first found in a volcano by goat herding Valyrians, right?

  5. Very nice. But perhaps your assumption of his goal there a couple things you don't think are connected to him.

    Euron has baited the royal and red wine fleets into the straits. From his previous actions and speeches we assume he intends to drop a lot of "holy" blood into the water when this happens. Euron may have had an egg. Some one is pretending to be pate and we assume he's gotten access to a very important dragon tome. The only thing missing as far as I can see is evidence of large amounts of something that burns really well.

    I might contend some one noticed the events of Blackwater bay and realized an possible answer to a problem. A lot more blood, and a lot more fire. And this time, not on land but over the sea where the fire can burn and die without so much risk to those on land.

    All I'm saying is that we don't know what he's been hanging around for, and if our assumptions about the ghost of high heart are right, some one they are connected to seems to be coming to him. And he seems to be bringing a lot of blood.

  6. They killed a "wretched slave" first of all, and hint that they likewise dealt with the masters after that which is alluded to as being a different story. There's no hint that they're anti-slavery in their origin that Jaqen provides.

  7. I think The Faceless Men would make a fantastic spinoff series. We could follow a young Jaqen through his training and early assignments, and get weekly flashbacks that reveal their origin and their part in the doom of Vayria, bit by bit. It could include other important events from the story and show the Faceless men's involvement in them without ruining the canon. But instead, I fear, we'll get something with another Jon and another Dany — boring characters who are popular with the young teen demographic, because they want to marry the actors who play them — and a fairytale romance

  8. All Men Must Die, that would include Lady Stoneheart, which I would assume Arya would see as a mercy killing because there's not really much of her mother left. However, I think it will be very interesting to see how Jon changes in the books once he comes back to life. I know the faceless men wouldn't send Arya to kill him, but if she knows all resurrected people are being murdered, I just can't imagine her letting anyone kill Jon Snow, even if he's not really Jon anymore. Perhaps Arya would have to truly become no one and lose her Stark identity entirely, and Jon would have to become some seemingly villainous Targaryen with no memory of his life as a Stark. I'm not really a Jon fan, but seeing how he changes is one of the book things I'm most looking forward to.

  9. An intelligent and brilliant end to a brilliant series of videos about probably my favourite aspect of the show (never having read the books). Thanks! This explanation would all make so much sense. Your intense knowledge of both books and series is obvious. The inclusion of them both makes me appreciate how much they differ (for logical reasons, it would doubtless take dozens of series to accurately reflect the details of the books, so much condensing has been needed). It's made me realise too that I really HAVE to read the books once series 8 has finished and Game of Thrones is no more. That should keep me occupied for a few years!

  10. I think it is very interesting that the overwhelming people believe the white walkers because magic is back and the dragons are back. But the white walkers have been collecting Crasters sons all this time. The Dragons were around for several hundred years before they disappeared and the walkers never came. I think the walkers were waiting not just for magic to diminish but for the Starks to fall. Theirs is the power that beat them back to the land of always winter and it was the last magic that was keeping them out. The reborn dragons are efforts by the universe to even the balance and give man a chance.

  11. Well done, Robert! I wonder what the faceless men think of R'hllor and his priestesses! The natural order is broken if people start coming from the dead. I think GRRM is playing with the Christian story about the man who is resurrected: Lazarus. Christ himself come back from the dead.

  12. Eddard Stark hired the Faceless Men to train his daughter, Arya. Jaquen had been training her since he was Syrio Forel. That is why he was smiling when she left. She had completed her training and he fulfilled his promise.


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