Lord Eddard Stark. Played by Sean Bean.



  1. Am I the only one who doesn't believe he is actually dead? When you read the books when Sansa is shown her father's head on the pike she notes that it looks nothing like her father. When Catelyn receives the bones of "Eddard" she notes the bones are of a much shorter man. There is a theory that says Varys switched Eddard in the dungeon with Syrio wearing a face of Eddard similar to the ones that Arya wears. He could be in Dorne with his true love Ashara Dayne. He could be in Essos hidden by Varys. The scene at 1:05:17 truly makes me believe that Varys switched Eddard with Syrio during that scene. Look at his next scene when he is being walked to the execution block. Notice how he has no limp despite Eddard having a busted ankle? He is also able to stand alone just fine during the treason scene. His vision also focuses on Arya mostly which is the only one who Syrio would care about. The birds at the end are kind of interesting too. 3 eyed Raven watching the execution? I would not be surprised to see Sean Bean return for the last season.


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