What a Beast. Played By Jason Momoa.



  1. People complaing about Daenerys: please remember that she is only a fucking child here. Khal Drogo dying technically wasn't her fault- she thought she was helping the one she loved most. How would a child know anything about people or love when all she had was her brother? She literally knew nothing. So please stop complaining. Im not saying Khal Drogo deserved to die- but quit blaming dany for trying to help him. She truly loved him.

  2. Dammit if Danny wouldn't have been so damn loving and stupid, the witch wouldn't have convinced her that it needed to be cleaned. Even if it was poison she shouldn't have still try to save him she'll still would've had a son that most likely wouldn't have been disfigured as a result of blood magic. Instead of losing one you've lost two.


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