Judge not!! The High Sparrow is played by Jonathan Pryce.



  1. An awesome actor. When I first saw him appear in Season 5 of GOT I was like Hey it's the bad guy from Tomorrow Never Dies. Remember that James Bond movie. He was fantastic and insane in this movie. Though I feel he was well kind of insane in this as well. He seemed good in the first scene.

    But I honestly couldn't stand what he thought was right. I totally agree with Sir Loras completely.

    He was a villain for being so manipulative towards others and thinks what he does is right to judge others and the gods would to. The guy was crazy. Olenna is the true hero. She's awesome 😎

  2. A squire helps with putting on armor and shit, you'd think him knowing about a birth mark wouldn't be proof. Also, why does Tommen, a young boy who just discovered the wonders of getting pussy let his queen be dragged off? Perhaps I should rewatch the episode so I can better understand his motivations.

  3. The High Sparrow is one of the most vile characters on Game of Thrones. He's a political climber who used the plight of the common people to worm his extreme take on the Faith of the Seven into their minds, making zealous warriors and thugs to better enforce his regime. Once Cersei (foolishly) gave him his platform, he knew exactly how to use it, who to target and who to make examples of. He was very good at what he did and played the game in a way we hadn't seen before and my god… he was horrible. Imprisoning and torturing people for being gay or defending their brother, then walking in smiling and acting fatherly, as if he didn't have a full hand in their suffering. Glad that all his plans went up in flames in the end, but sad Margaery, Loras and Mace had to die with him.

  4. Great actor
    Because I cannot fully tell of the high sparrow was full of shit and using religion to gain power Or if he actually was as devout as he was portrayed to be
    He was a conundrum for me until his fiery end

  5. Technically we should love the high sparrow for what he does to cersei. The heroes, the tyrells, are eventually helped by the sparrows. If we root against the high sparrow we actually root for cersei. So if you hate the high sparrow you like cersei lol. Its ok i love cersei

  6. If Jaime had taken action right then Cersei would not have blown up the sept. Tyrells would not have been destroyed. But no he didn't do anything to avoid a bad scene and ended up creating a far worse result.

  7. You should have included his confrontation with Jaime in the sept that was one of the better scenes in season 6 (though still illogical – since he didn't arrest Jaime on the spot, which was a huge plot hole).

  8. Strip away the gold and the ornaments, knock down the statues and the pillars, and this is what remains: something simple… solid… and true.

    The Tyrells' finery will be stripped away, their lies knocked down, their hearts laid bare for all to see.

    And so it will be for all of us.

    High and low alike.

    What will we find when we strip away your finery?

    A young man came to us not long ago, broken in body and spirit.

    He had so much to strip away, so much weighing him down.

    But piece by piece he unburdened himself.

    Let go of pride, vanity, sin.

    Now his soul is so light, he will float through the Seven Heavens like a bird.

    And he has much to say about you.

  9. Very complicated character… I feel like he enjoyed torturing the highborns in the light of the seven. What if someone kept the old gods, like the Starks. would he still have to face the justice of the seven?


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