Game of Thrones Season 8 is going be absolutely EPIC and one of the reason’s is because of The Hound, Sandor Clegane! Does The Fate of The Hound does lie in the North in Winterfell with Sansa and Arya Stark? or Will it be The Hound vs The Mountain in the Cleganebowl in King’s Landing? Make sure you watch this Video to hear my Theory and find out! GET HYPE!

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Oyster’s Clams and Cockles Remix –

► Music Credit: Chris Morrow 4
Track Name: “Hip Hop Rap Instrumental – Crying Over You”
Music By: Chris Morrow 4 @
Include a link to the artists original content, HERE –
License for commercial use: Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported (CC BY 3.0)
Music promoted by NCM

Artwork Done by Blaze Manga –

Images and video from Game of Thrones are the property of their creators, used here under fair use.



  1. Arya will kill Qyburn, steal his face then poison Cersei with 'the strangler' … during the Cleganebowl battle. Imagine this …

    While Arya is looking for Cersei, she'll run into Qyburn … she'll take out her dagger and cut his throat, then she'll steal his face.

    But while Arya is looking through the castle for Cersei, Sandor will find and battle the Mountain and eventually cut off his head, but the Mountain will continue fighting … swinging his sword around … slamming it into walls and support beams (remember, the Mountain is already dead … he's only moving around because Qyburn is keeping him "above-board"). Once Arya kills Qyburn, the Mountain will finally drop to the ground, dead.

    Arya will then find Cersei, and while wearing Qyburn's face, will offer her a glass of wine. Cersei will take a drink and pull the epic Joffery death scene. Sandor will walk in as Cercei is on the ground choking. She'll reach up towards the Hound and he'll say something quaint like, "f*ck the queen". They'll both walk away as she slowly dies.

    Okay … probably a bit of a stretch, but man how I'd love to see that scene!

    He's definitely taking down the Mountain. Option 2 NO DOUBT! He would have done it in season 1 had the late king Robert not interrupted.

  2. Maybe….Arya dies but first laments on how she never got to scratch Cersei off the list….he goes to King’s Landing, snuffs the Mountain and then the Hound (little brother) kills Cersei in honor of Arya and/or Sansa

  3. Kyle, you've read my mind. Months ago I proposed a Sandor-Arya team to go to KL and take out Cersei, the Mountain (and Qyburn–that's a must) OR they team with Jaime and maybe Varys (he knows the ins and outs of KL and Red Keep and could probably regain the Little Birds). Arya-Sandor are my (and most fans') favorite duo, and it seems only fair Jaime participate too–but it also sets up Cleganebowl. From your mouth to God's ear. I just hope our duo survives, though I do think Jaime dies in S8. Great video. You're on a roll.

  4. It would be awesome if the Hound sacrifices him self for Arya all though I would like to see him sacrifice him self for Jon during the undead bear 🐻 attack when Jon gets flipped the hound runs 🏃 to help him It be nice 👍

  5. Playing the devil's advocate… Sandor realizes how much the Mountain is suffering in is present condition and let's him live after Cerci dies. He realizes this is the cruelest thing he can do to his brother.


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