What a worm. Played extremely well By Harry Loyd!!!



  1. I do feel bad for Viserys sometimes. He wasn't always a douchebag, having to beg in order to survive made him what he was. Plus, getting ripped away from your home at a young age and watching your mother die…that'll fuck anyone up in the head. Dany never had to deal with that like he did.

  2. ppl feeling bad for him?? lmao this guy really sold his sister at the age of 13 to a savage and told her he would let 40 thousand men and their horses fuck her if it meant he could get the crown back. yall feeling sorry 4 this selfish ruthless heartless piece of shit? wow. not to mention how horrible hes always treated her and made her feel afraid, hes a monster n got what he deserved

  3. I still say Viserys is NOT DEAD !!! He will come back with a flock of dragons 5 times the size of his sisters and lay waste to Westeros !!! Long Hail the True KING …….. Viserys !!!!!!!!

  4. This is why Dany will always be a Slut. She intentionally wanted her brother to get cucked by Drogo and had no sympathy for Visery b/c of Drogo's fear and power. Both Targaryens were terrible children to have as a father, but that father was the mad king, so its poetic justice.


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