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Here’s my take on what the final scene of Game of Thrones Season 8 Episode 6 will be … a MAJOR theme of A Song of Ice and Fire … a sad song coming full circle … with a happy ending




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  1. I don't like the idea of Sam (the Maester) writing the Song of Ice and Fire as the book ends, we know the Maesters are in on conspiracies against the Targaryens +their dragons from at least after The Dance , and that they rewrite history to expunge magic.

    Jon & Dany having a child would be pretty cliche too. I want it to end how it started, in the first episode, with Bran dying for real this time and showing us visions of the world remade. Jaime might be forced to kill him if he's been corrupted by the Others

  2. I don't think there would be any point of cliffhangers like dragon eggs or white walkers at the end because all the spin offs are gonna be prequels (or so I've heard). I could Imagine the scene with Jaimie happening but I don't think the character is important enough to be the last scene. I think it might be something like Jon, Danny, or Tyrion in the future dying of age telling their story or something like that.

  3. the one thing id love to see is jamie regain his former skill level with his left hand, as an orthodox fighter trying to learn to fight southpaw i know how he is feeling because instinct makes you move the wrong way etc but it would be so cool to see him become as good if not better as a southpaw swordsman maybe through training with jon snow who he mocked at the very start of the story.

  4. Wow! Kev! 😢 This is one of your saddest ones yet! 🙁

    This theory got my well leaking with tears. I cannot express how beautiful, heartbreaking and deep this has been. The loss of innocence, abuse, identity crisis, corruption, torture, maiming, rape, enslaving, manipulation and murder of children in A Song of Ice & Fire is one very significant theme, but never have I considered it THE central theme.

    I always thought the number one emphasized theme of the series was (instead of the obvious: moral ambiguity of the human race, systematic political corruption, misuse and destruction of nature, injustice towards women and such social issues) in fact FAMILY. I think something that is very apparent in the show is the constant link of every plot, every character, almost every dilemma, nearly every step of the way, regards blood relation in one way or another: there's a lot of meaning behind families / houses in Westeros, there's a lot of intricate relationships between siblings parents and so on, multiple incests, heritage issues and so much more. One of the major plotlines was the conflict between two families, the subsequent tragic fall of the Stark family, and in the later seasons the resulting fall of the Lannister family too. I think the relationships between siblings in this show are the strongest brotherhood/sisterhood represented in any media ever, the deepest connection between siblings I have ever seen, and so much more interesting than TV's constant lineup of romances, cheaters, etc.

    But seeing this video and thinking it through, looking back at the whole plot of the books I've gotten to thus far and the show by now, I see the theme of Children could very well be more prominent: characters like Arya, Dany, Jon, Sansa and Bran are in essence the next generation of Westeros and by experiencing the horrors of the previous generations they will undoubtedly face a decision whether to evolve from their traumas and strife to create a better future, or keep history repeating. There are even more instances of children being mistreated: the kids who form the Unsullied; the Little Birds; slave kids; Craster's daughters, and Craster's sons being sacrificed to the White Walkers; Varys' experience as a kid; in a way even every child or teenager soldier / member of the Night's Watch. I'd say there's a big basis of your interpretation being one of GRRM's biggest ideas- make social commentary of our corrupt world from the point of view of young people.

    I so hope for at least some of the characters to have a relatively happy ending or just survive and be fine. I know it's probably too much to ask for the survival of Tyrion, Dany, Jon, Sansa or Arya, but at least give me a living fully functioning Davos, Brienne, Pod, Sam, Gilly, Lyanna Mormont and Meera… Is it too much to ask for???

    Keep up the good work Kev 😄

  5. I know that many characters will die, but this is literally the ending I wanted. Imagine Jon and Danny's kid being raised by Jaime, Davos, Sam, Missandei, Podrick…… That would seriously give me hope for the future of GOT😊

  6. +bridge4 Still hitting it out of the park with your fabulous videos, Ser! Have you ever considered that Dany might have twin children, say a girl and a boy? That would give Davos and Jamie two children to mentor and bring up. having twins might also contribute to Dany's death in childbirth as a plot device. Just thinking. 😉

  7. My theory, they defeat the army of the dead miraculously everyone lives, but suddenly a giant meteor comes plummeting to the planet. After that there is a flash of light, and George R.R. steps out, tells everyone to go ** themselves, and he leaves.

  8. Excellent commentary. I believe we will see the lands of Westeros from Dorne traveling North to the frozen lands of winter that are once again silent and the breaking of dawn on the horizon. The show opened in the North so I think it may end with a scene in the North.

  9. I don’t want Jon and Danys child to grow up without both his parents because I think it’s cruel that their child may grow up in similar ways Jon did
    But man Jaime taking care of Jon’s and Danys child would warm my heart

  10. Is a great video dude for real please stop showing Dabo’s freaking out about Shareen get me teary-eyed every fucking time you showing stop i have a presentation to do, I don’t want to walk in there with tears in my eyes mumbling about The second to last person to touch the horn of winter

  11. So sadd, all the possibilities of how it could end. I dnt think ill ever like a show/book more than this. Its amazing! The jamie, jon and Rhaegar theorieswith the grandson or him just saving jon freaking get me hahah idk. Amazing video man

  12. POST CREDITS SCENE: The boy who was broken opens his eyes; sees his sister, his mother, his father, gathered around the bed they thought he would die upon.

    He tells them of his dream, says he saw her there, and her, and him, and even HIM, the great grey hound that hasn't left his bedside since the day the boy was found beneath the ancient Wierwood he so loved to climb. He falters, the dream fading, his bandaged head aching. He even thought – dreamed – he could fly…

    He is home.

    It's a home he hardly seems to recognise and yet…he is back…back where he belongs. And when he sits up to take a sip of water, he cries out with joy at the pain of movement in his legs.

    They can barely contain him, as he throws back the bearskin covers and stands on his own two feet, tears of joy on his cheeks. Splints upon one leg and arm cannot prevent him stumbling to the door and throwing it wide – and out into a warm, late summer's evening.

    "Brandon," his mother chides him;
    "Brandon" his sister's voice had called to him through years, it seemed, of darkness as he fell;
    "Bran," his father tells him now, "come back inside."

    But Bran, and his dog, are too full of life to give up the game. Looking up, he sees amid the deepening sky the first few stars and there and there, the two full moons shining, one at each horizon. Between them, a distant but unmistakable slash of fierce and fiery red, hanging like a sword far above the forests and the hills.

    "The comet," his older sister says, "it arrived the night we brought you home. Three days ago, it was, and it seems closer every time I look at it." She shivers. "What do you think it means?"

    "Dragons", he tells her, without quite knowing why – then, suddenly, he remembers everything.

    Again they struggle to contain the boy who seems suddenly feverish and half mad with determination: to tell his story, to warn the world, to make ready and build, build, build…

    "Why, Bran," his family asks him, exchanging fearful glances as he's led back into the log cabin, back to the bed they could have sworn they had just watched him die upon, "why?"

    His answer, that night, and every night thereafter, is always the same. How he knows, he cannot say, and what it truly means, he can never completely explain…but there is just so much to do.
    "Because," as he always tells them…

    "Winter is coming"



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