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  1. This immediately reminded that Agents of SHIELD made the Framework where it was a computer world where everyone is Hydra. Now 7 months later, we get a multiverse where everyone are Nazis. Evil versions of heroes yay or nay?

  2. what if the speed force storm bleed into other earths including earth x and the "heros" of earth x blame our heros triggering the events of the cross over. the speed force exist outside of space and time so it not impossible for the speed force storm occurred on earth x and other earths.

  3. The Council of Wells. That's not gonna work out so well.

    Evil Nazi Oliver Queen. Bad guys always have to coolest costumes.

    This should be the best crossover yet. I like that we get it in two nights rather than stretching it out over 4 nights. Something to give THANKS for (as it is the week following Thanksgiving).


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