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  1. Here's my The Flash Mid Season Finale video. For some reason Youtube took forever to process my video file, but let me know what you think of the huge twist. I'll post my Episode 10 video tomorrow. New Titans Season 1 coming soon too!

  2. Reverse Flash says "I wonder what face I'll be wearing," not "I wonder who'll be wearing my face." Pretty sure that line meant that Reverse Flash will be played by a different actor, not that Reverse Flash will be taken over by the Thinker. My opinion is, it isn't Barry that returned from the Speedforce but Reverse Flash wearing his face, and Reverse Wells Flash knows it. That why he says "Oh, that's right, you're Barry Allen and Barry Allen doesn't kill," and then the wearing face line. He was telling his future/past/other self 'I know who you are.'
    That's my thought on that line anyway.

  3. Can someone please explain to me the timeline of this episode a bit? I mean, when exactly did DeVoe transfer his mind? Before the events of this episode? Did he voluntarily stuck a metal piece in his neck and somehow convinced Amunret to play along with his scenario? 'Cause that doesn't really make sense.

  4. If Barry wanted, he could just clean the whole house and get rid of the body before the police got in. Also I have to say, it's pretty cold from Captain Singh to break inside Barry's house like that, when last week he was attending to his wedding. I'm not a fan of this kind of plot twist.

  5. Emergency awesome I know you made a video about the reverse flash but I'm still confused why Barry let him go and couldn't have ran him into iron heights ? And I think that it would be a really good idea if Devoughs wife would help Barry stop him eventually

  6. The twist was great but i really liked The Thinker's original actor. I thought he was killing his performance. I understand the need for a younger actor, but i didn't exactly buy him as Devoe. I hope they change actors soon


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