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Here's my Reverse Flash Season 4 video and Black Flash Explainer. There are a couple of important things the writers haven't told you yet, but there is a logic to it all. Leave all your bonus video requests, I'll talk about the Season 5 Tornado Twins, Bart Allen etc after the mid season finale!
The living paradox will never die.
Charlie can you do a video on thisin the aero part of the crossover somebody ask how can there be another Kara and Harry Wells says they’re actually 53 as well as 53 krypton’s and so forth that being the case then where are she and Kal-El ? From earth one
I know he's a huge part of the Flash story but the Reverse Flash is getting really old and stale. I feel like they need to just cut him for at at least 1 season across all the shows just to give us a break. It's to the point that I expect him to start saying "I would have gotten away with it too if not for you meddling super heros"
nice video
Omg thank you ! I was so confused!
i love it…barry needs to get soem stones though LOL!!!!!
Thanks for this video Charlie!
Its still confusing but it does makes some sense now..
Thanks once again
My question is, why did Barry let him go during the crossover..?
I thought Barry was the fastest he's ever been so why is thawne catching up with him
hold up WAT!!!!!! replay! i dont understand lol its so much!
Love Reverse Flash!
I wonder how they’re gonna pull off defeating devoe
Can we just get a Tom Cav RF as the main Flash villain every year ?? I'd watch that.
You should've included a clip showing Ray (I think?) commenting on Thawne's return.
And who the heck is that girl that came up to Barry at the wedding it seemed like she new him
That’s what always confuses me how he always comes back?!….
I just found out that Ralph Dibney was actually mentioned in Season 1 of the Flash
Thawne (disguised as Wells) said that he was one of the victims of the particle accelerator explosion..
No matter which Version or who is playing him, will always be a great villain, they built him up so we'll in season 1 that he just always has a special place on the show
Impulse please!!
R flash is a beast
Reverse flash da best
Im not going to survive the break after the mid-season finale…
When will we see gideon in the flash?
I watch the flash every week I’m addicted
Your the best
I love the flash ring⚡⚡⚡⚡⚡⚡⚡⚡⚡⚡⚡⚡⚡⚡⚡⚡⚡⚡⚡⚡
Reverse Flash needs an episode just explaining his timeline XD
So, does this mean that savitar can comeback?
Hey Charlie… Rewatching Flash Season 01 Episode 07, The Reverse Flash name drops Ralph Dibny, the Elongated Man… I can't believe it! 😛
Dude, I love your vids. My 8 year old started getting me into your vids and I seem to be a bigger fan of yours than he is nowadays
What if the Reverse Flash came back as patty spivit because she was Barry’s old gf that would be weird
Does that mean Savitar can come back
tornados twins
reverse flash is a god
I don't usually question this stuff when it comes to Cavanagh playing Reverse Flash, the old RF can't really be totally killed off thing from the comics works for me and seeing the Actor get to miss around and being all evil is that perfect sauce!
Wibbly wobbly
The reverse flash is by far my favorite dc character and since he’s been in the show…….ive liked him so much more now……I don’t know how it would go but I would love to see them try to do a reverse flash TV show where everything was taken from his point of view and sure there will be some areas where you will see him in season one of the flash from his point of you for legends of tomorrow from his point of view all in all it should go from his origin to his death whenever that would be I think That would be a really cool idea!!!!!!! What do u think????
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Love me some Reverse Flash!
The Reverse Flash is easily the best villain of the Arrowverse.
Hey I’d love the flash ring and the caterer of the wedding is Prob Barry’s daughter from the future or maybe from earth x that snuck with villains and wanted to see Barry and iris wedding because they died on earth x