Did HBO’s teaser for Game of Thrones Season 7 foreshadow that Brienne of Tarth is going to die in the next season of Game of Thrones?

Check out this Game of Thrones theory that names 5 likely suspects and the different scenarios that could claim Brienne’s life.

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  1. If it came down to Jamie and Brienne fighting against each other, that would be one hell of an emotional battle. There was a point he'd have tried to kill her without hesitation but now? Difficult to say, but I don't know if he'd be able to go through with it, just like I don't think Brienne would be able to kill Jamie.

  2. She's going to fight The Mountain since she's going to King's Landing after Season 7 Episode 6. If the Mountain kills Brienne then Jamie will kill Cersei. That's the way I see it anyway.

  3. Could it be that the bear scene earlier foreshadows a fight against one of the Mormonts? A bear being their house sigil of course. I could see Jorah Morment being an contender OR Jon Snow wielding Long Claw

  4. Could it be that Little Finger's plan is to have Arya want to kill Sansa, and thus Brienne standing in between would mean her te be killed? Or is that too far fetched?


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