The Frozen Lake Battle (Jon’s Squad & Daenerys’s Dragons vs White Walkers) – Game of Thrones Season 7 Episode 6



  1. They have only chance becouse Night King le them chance, becouse it was part of his dragon trap to lure dragon there and kill him and ressurect him that why they have also that chains prepared, if Night King would want kill them they would stand zero chance.

  2. I think GOT is the firs show to see blood spurting out of dragon after it's pierced by a spear while in mid-flight.  Not Reign of Fire, Dragonslayer, Dragonheart, How to Train Your Dragon, or Eragon has done it.

  3. Why didn't the Night King throw the first spear at the stationary dragon with them all sitting on it? And why didn't any of the dragons target the Night King? Makes very little sense.

    You can tell they're no longer relying on source material anymore as the writing has got sloppier in favour of giving us spectacle. Hope they can continue the spectacle next season but tighten up on the writing.

  4. The Night King is only 100 metres or so from Drogon. Why did Drogon not at least TRY and roast him? He seemed pretty pissed off that this dude just killed his brother and Drogon's not exactly known for his restraint.

    Sure, perhaps the Night King can deflect dragon fire with his ice powers (he can clearly put out fire as he approaches it) but Drogon doesn't know that. You'd think he'd try – and that would also be a fucking cool shot if we saw the Night King deflecting dragon fire with his ice wind.

  5. Bad writing. Tyrion seems to have caught an extra chromosome this season and none of the initial crew even evaluated his plan. Forget that Dany held all the cards initially, could have just taken her dragons straight to the red keep, burned it down with all the high command in it, and had the unsullied do the mop up details and act as security to avoid anarchy.  Forget that Ms. Tyrell told her as much.  Forget that doing so would have minimized casualties and risk – entire army didn't need to die. Civilians didn't need to suffer.  Just kill the high command and the rest would accept her. Make Dragonstone your capital – better for dragons & easily defended – and have a trusted commander govern King's Landing. 

    Used all the unsullied (a primarily defensive – rather than offensive force) to take Casterly Rock – diverts all your best defensive forces, puts them at high risk in trying to take a fortified target with no heavy weapons, and gains nothing of immediate value – better to have gold that took hundreds of years to mine plus crops (High Garden)- than a f-n mine (Casterly Rock) – dry or otherwise.  

    Left key ally – High Garden – which is an easy target in proximity and weak defense – unprotected – in wartime – when food is more valuable than gold. A defensive force like the unsullied would have been perfect for guarding such a place – and Ms. Tyrell didn't even argue the point – really – the writers want us to think someone as smart and experienced as Ms. Tyrell would just ok that stupid plan without demanding a defensive force be sent to reinforce her home?   

    Oh, and then uses Dothraki (offensive fighters) as defensive sentries – a task for which they are horribly suited – these guys aren't disciplined soldier – they are guerrilla fighters. They aren't guards who follow regulations – the unsullied are – bad use of Human Resources.

    Brought Dorne Queen and daughter all the way to Dragonstone with plans to take them all the way back to Dorne to get the army when you could have just picked the army and girls up on the way to Dragonstone.  Varys had already negotiated the agreement. Logistics make no sense here.

    Allowed Euron to own the seas instead of just figuring out his last known location and taking a dragon or two to sink his fleet – or just his main ship.  Once he was dead – the rest would join Yara and by association Dany.  I know – one arrow could be risky – goodness? Really?  Attacking a bunch of guys rocking around in a wooden ship at night is riskier than attacking a trained, organized army on the ground in broad daylight?  Ever try to fire arrows aboard boat at night in stormy seas? 

    Sent your best guys to catch a wight to convince Circe to act on behalf of the greater good? Really? Circe never does anything for the greater good. Even if she promised to, she would just betray you. Forget the fact that if you really wanted a wight you could just offer a bag of gold to any northerner who captured and delivered one.  You'd run out of gold in a month.

    Instead, send your guys up on foot to catch and carry one back on foot – because you couldn't spare a dozen horses – and they believe they can outrun an undead army while carrying a wight?  Really?  All those horses at Winterfell?  Yet you couldn't stop by and grab a few dozen horses that would allow you to quickly catch a wight and outrun the others?  Couldn't just offer a bag of gold for a wight.?

    Also, if the wall has stood for thousands of years and all the night king has is a bunch of corpses, send more troops to defend the wall from climbers and flood the tunnels. Other than that what is the risk?  Without the dead dragon – which he only has because of that brain-dead plan to catch a wight and convince Circe to become a good and conscientious person, how the heck is the Night King and his corpse army going to pass the wall – he couldn't – not with out the dragon.

    I know – call it Monday morning quarterbacking but this is stuff I was thinking the moment I saw the episode. It was just very poor writing.

  6. As cool as this was, this scene was bullshit. There is no way that GRRM would have written it so that they only lose a few no names and Viserion, who's probably had about 7 mins of screen time since his birth.
    I don't know how many are in Jon's squad, but it's ridiculous to think that they were able to hold the dead army back. They would have literally just been ploughed through. They can't die or feel pain, so why were they falling down and then getting conveniently back up just in time to get hit down again ? My only reasoning is the night king has far greater plans for everyone. Other than that, if 10 guys can hold 100,000 soldiers back for five minutes, then there really is no reason for Cersei to worry.
    I've really enjoyed this season. Visually it's been stunning, and the visuals rival major blockbusters. They have more weight and meaning than blockbusters though because we've literally had six years of buildup. But there really hasn't been any suspense. If no one of importance died during the naval battle (which they didn't) and no one of importance died at the Lannister massacre – which no one did, then no one was going to die here. Some might argue that Viserion is a major character, but I only view him as important as a direwolf.
    Though I acknowledge the Viserions death is arguably one of the most important deaths since Jon Arryn. I currently feel him and the Night king alone could win the war.

  7. Yeah right. Knight King can do a hail Mary and hit a moving target with a sharp spear yet no one can hit the knight king and his dragon as he flys midway up (350) and is basically stationary for some time. I remember they used giant cross bows on top of the castles to hit the giants/mammouths.

  8. The Lord Of Light demands it Aegon Targaryen (Jon's real name )MUST KILL Daenerys Targaryen,WITH Lightbringer A sword of Azor Ahai, a legendary hero who is prophesied to fight the Great Other. for with great power comes great sacrifice


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