Game of Thrones cast members Isaac Hempstead Wright, Kit Harington, Maisie Williams and Sophie Turner weigh in on who should rule the iron throne and who should rule Winterfell.
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The ‘Game Of Thrones’ Cast Weighs In On Who Should Rule The Iron Throne | Entertainment Weekly



  1. lmao coming back here after watching the season to read comments from idiots who thought that sansa would be a bad leader. when it turns out she's the most sensible and normal of all the starks. im screaming y'all were so dumb

  2. I want to see Tyrion and Sansa on the iron throne. Dani can die or become the nights queen because I can't stand her with all her damn titles. Jon could possibly marry Arya to hold onto the north once it's discovered he's a Targaryen. Bran will forever be the three eyed raven. That probably won't happen but that's what if like to see.

  3. I really don't get Sansa. In the books Ned told Sansa and Arya about the plans he has in regards to Joffrey and the queen, this lead to Sansa telling Cersei about Ned's plan and ultimately getting him killed. People always talk about Sansa's age f being 13 years old and that it is understandable for her to suffer like that. Umm fuck off, Daenerys is 13 in the books(now 14) and had to endure abuse from her brother and rape from Khal Drogo. She started from a helpless girl to a fucking queen so don'T give me that bullshit of Sansa's age. She is still a weak and useless character both book and show. Oh and Jon was only 13 when he went beyond the wall, fought wilding, wights, white walkers.

  4. This comment section sickens me. Guess what, the actors were asked a question about their personal opinion and gave an answer based on their personal opinion. Why does everyone freaks out about this? Their opinion simply differs from yours, so live with it.

  5. Ugh all you Sansa haters are annoying… OMG what if the main three characters die and the neutral ones are left over?! How great would that be???… Bye Jon. Bye Daenerys. Bye Cersei. And Arya, Sansa, Bran, Tyrion, and Jaime left. Them combined symbolizing all the hate and viewpoints from the different houses and parts of the world yet sick of the fighting could really make the world a better place.

    Better than arrogant Daenerys who doesn't give a crap about anyone not on her side yet just happens to like Jon… Like seriously.
    Better than Jon who doesn't want to be part of the world yet given everything.
    Better than Cersei who makes us all want to sit her down for a talk yet note that she's a strong powerful women.

  6. Please is there someone in this comment section who isn't a Jon's hater ?

    Who wants King Jon of the North to take the Iron Throne in S8 and battle the White Walkers with all Westeros together under his command ?

    Who else thinks Sansa "natural born leader" (LOL) and Daenerys are not fit to rule ?

  7. My ideal ending & of course this is just wishful thinking but hey a guy can still dream, even for a show where so many bad things happen right?

    Jon & Sansa should rule together jointly as King & Queen of all Westeros once they find out that they are not brother & sister and Ghost is always by both their sides and just like Ned & Cat who grew to love each other very deeply despite Cat being originally engaged to Ned's older brother until he died, Jon & Sansa also grow to truly love one another deeply & unconditionally. Even after learning of his Targaryen heritage, Jon forever considers himself & identifies himself first & foremost as a Stark. King Jon & Queen Sansa name their firstborn son & heir Ned and their firstborn daughter Catelyn 🙂

    Also, Bran should be The Lord of Winterfell & Warden of The North and marries Meera who becomes Lady of Winterfell. Arya should marry Gendry and together become Lord & Lady of Storm's End & Lords Paramount of The Stormlands. Jamie marries Brienne and become Lord & Lady of Casterly Rock & Lords Paramount of The Westerlands while Tyrion serves as Hand to his old friends King Jon & Queen Sansa. Theon completely reconciles with House Stark after redeeming himself during The War for The Dawn by regularly fighting side by side with King Jon & is also forgiven by Bran for seizing Winterfell & beheading Ser Rodrik completing Theon's redemption story ending with Theon ruling as Head of House Greyjoy & Lord of The Iron Islands and maintaining close family-like ties to House Stark. Tormund & his fellow Free Folk are given the lands & estate of the now extinct House Bolton to settle upon with The Free Folk electing Tormund as their king and his very close friend King Jon officially recognizing the lands upon which The Free Folk now call home as independent from the rest of The 7 Kingdoms of Westeros allowing The Free Folk to rule & govern themselves without any meddling from the crown while still maintaining very close friendly ties & alliances between The Free Folk & House Stark. Lady Lyanna Mormont reconciles with her cousin Jorah who is welcomed back to Bear Island after King Jon & Queen Sansa pardon him for his past crimes but Jorah insists that Lyanna remain as Head of House Mormont & Lady of Bear Island and Lyanna in the future ultimately has a daughter who ends up falling in love with & marrying King Jon & Queen Sansa's eldest son & heir who becomes an honorable honest just man & a fearless unbeatable highly formidable warrior just like his father as well as a shrewd savey cunning perceptive & clever politician just like his mother. Sam & Gilly marry & start their own family having many children together with their eldest son growing up to marry King Jon & Queen Sansa's eldest daughter uniting the families of lifelong friends Jon & Sam with Sam serving Jon as his royal maester while Sam's loving sister Tala rules Horn Hill as its Lady due to Sam having to live at The Red Keep in King's Landing because of his job as maester. Sam, Davos, Tyrion, Jorah & Missandei make up King Jon & Queen Sansa's Small Council. With The Wall having been brought down by The White Walkers during the start of The War for The Dawn leaving The Night's Watch without a purpose now, King Jon appoints his close friend & fellow former Crow: Ed as the new Lord Commander of The Kingsguard with any & all surviving brothers of the Night's Watch allowed to either join The City Watch of King's Landing or build their own homes & start their own families while receiving an allowance from the crown in gratitude for a lifetime of service & sacrifice. The Hound also ends up joining King Jon & Queen Sansa's Kingsguard. Daario rules Meeran and as for Danearys, she dies in the last battle having sacrificed herself to help both Jon & Bran defeat The Night King. Drogon is gravely wounded during the battle but survives & ultimately recovers, choosing Tyrion as his new master while Rheagal, having been named after Jon's biological father, belongs to King Jon who whenever both he & Queen Sansa get a break from their royal duties fly out upon Rheagal for fun whether just the 2 of them together or with their children and Ghost & Rheagal practically become like brothers 🙂

    Yeah I know that it's way way too much to hope for in a show where too many horrible tragic things commonly occur but like I said, a guy can definitely dream right? But yeah, Jon & Sansa for King & Queen of all The 7 Kingdoms of Westeros 😉


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