Aquarius is an eccentric sign, whose quirkiness is apparent not just in their behavior, but also in their presentation. But these attention-grabbing details aren’t the most important thing: Aquarius is defined by their spiritual, social, and cultural connections with humanity at large. This sign is the humanist of the zodiac, who often sacrifices themselves for the good of all. 

“You wish to know where my true loyalties lie?” Lord Varys asks Daenerys Targaryen, exemplifying this trait. “Not with any king or queen, but with the people.” Indeed, Varys serves under virtually every Westerosi ruler who makes an appearance on “Game of Thrones. What sets him apart from most characters of his station is his ironclad interest in how the lords’ actions affect the commonest folks.

In spite of their innate humanism, however, Aquarians aren’t all that into relationships, and often value their independence more than romantic interludes. For Varys, some of this disinterest is the result of the horrific trauma he survived in childhood. But also, he quite simply has better things to do than fall in love. “Power resides where men believe it resides,” he pronounces. “It’s a trick, a shadow on the wall. And a very small man can cast a very large shadow.” He certainly proves this true before his time on the series comes to an end.



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