Y’ALL REQUESTED IT So Here It Is! Lets discuss Arya of House Stark and where her journey may be headed in Game Of Thrones Season 8. If you think this has a happy ending, then you haven’t been paying attention!


Season 8 “Plot Leak” Part 1

Season 8 Plot Leak Part 2

Season 8 Plot Leak Part 3

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➤ Game Of Thrones Season 8 House Stark➤Game of Thrones Season 8 Theory Arya➤Season 8 Game Of Thrones Arya Explained➤Game Of Thrones Season 8 Fate Of Arya Stark➤The Long Night➤Game Of Thrones Season 8 Arya Kills Tyrion➤Game Of Thrones Season 8 plot Arya Stark breakdown➤Tyrion Arya Game Of Thrones Season 8

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  1. You fail to take into account the horde of undead that is coming down to party in Aryas neighborhood. Nothing bonds people together faster than a common enemy. She will be too busy with the dead to worry about the Lanisters.

  2. I think u r way off base as far as Arya killing Tyrion. Although I do agree that if Sansa will be killed off it will be by a Stark (not necessarily Arya). I think Sansa ultimately will survive until the end and Tyrion as well but not Arya. I do like the idea of her sailing off west of Westeros but I think that's unlikely.

  3. I think you are completely wrong with her trying to kill Tyrion prediction, it just doesn't make sense to me for her to do that. However I still cling to my theory that Arya is in fact already dead and its the Waif that's become Arya….it would make much more sense for her more ruthless behaviour particularly towards Sansa. It also would make her final conversation in the House of Black and White make sense too.

  4. I hate to say it, but I think Jaime's going to die. The character's a frikkin douchebag, but he's an interesting and complicated villain. Bran remembers all kinds of awful things, now. If Arya goes for Tyrion, a bunch of people, including Bran, will likely step in front of her. Jaime… not so much. I'll miss him. He was a great foil for many of the other characters. And Nikolaj is kinda hot in that understated Danish way. But yeah, I'd bet money on Jaime dying before the midpoint of the final season.

  5. I will say killers are usually not insane and Arya ain't a psychopath because she has empathy which is the defining thing of a psychopath. I love Arya so much easily my favourite character!

  6. Hi Ser Hunts! I hope Arya does not kill Tyrion. I do think at such a young age going through so much that yes she got a bit damaged but she is still young and will level out and get more of her humanity back, She is still mostly a sweet little girl inside with love in her heart and Jon will help her see wright from wrong. I want to see her sail off to the west in the end and maybe have someone she loves with her on the journey.

  7. Episode 1×01:
    King Robert arrives. He greets Stark family.
    Touched Ned, Cat, Robb and Rickon: all dead.
    to Sansa: My, you're a pretty one.: Her beauty: her curse (or maybe she will end up like the Hound)
    to Arya: Your name is? (No one?)
    to Bran: Oh, show us your muscles.You'll be a soldier. (the cripple?) A minute before Arya took his place in the line: she will be the soldier.
    All that scene is a big foreshadowing.
    There is one character missing in that scene: Tyrion. And who asked for him? Arya: Where is the imp? Where is the imp?
    I'm worry about Tyrion…

  8. Plain and simple…..Arya is Nymeria and Nymeria is Arya; and what that means is….Nymeria runs on the loose with her pack, and just can't be tamed now. The same goes for Arya, she has been running wild since Season 1, and she can't just be contained at Winterfell after the Battle for the Dawn….she most likely will go off into the world and just might head west of Westeros. As for Arya killing Tyrion…I really think that's far fetched, he's not really a "problem" in her world, so to say…Arya has bigger fish to fry!

  9. I think she should die. You can’t leave a”gang” like the faceless men and they allow you to leave and don’t hunt you down. That would be the bitter end I’d like to see. Jaquen Hagar stabs her outta nowhere! Just saying…

  10. I could be wrong, but my theory is that bran's going to end up going in the past to stop the children from turning that guy into the night king. He then will get stuck & become the night king & Arya will be the one to kill him with the knife she got from bran. After that she'll get sentenced to die by John for doing so, not knowing the reason why she did it.

  11. Hunts, you be talking crazy lol. Arya could clearly tell that the portrayal of everyone in that play was fucked. She saw how they portrayed Ned and even coached Lady Crane on how to more accurately act as Cersei would react to the death if her son

  12. One question- What School of Psychology or Psychiatry did you graduate from Ser Hunt? I suggest you stop throwing around clinical terms and diagnosis you are not qualified to use or make. You don’t really know, at that level, what you are talking about.

  13. Jaqen H'Ghar will finally demand that a girl give a man a third name of someone to kill. And a girl will name Cersei Lannister. Jaqen will take the face of either Jaime (much more likely) or Tyrion and kill Cersei. Only when she's dead will a man remove his fake face and reveal Jaqen beneath. Then the many face God is pleased, three are dead for the three Arya saved and Arya will have been behind Cersei's death. Since the murderer LOOKS like one of her younger brothers, the prophesy will be correct also.

  14. Good intro, Mark! Dang you have a 'mono y mono' with George? I think Arya accepts she's a girl! Just not the "girlie girl," as expected of girls from a noble family! Her individuality, prepares her mentally and physically, for the life she was thrust into.I compare her character to be somewhat like Zena, Warrior Princess. Unfortunately she has been out of touch with her remaining family, she doesn't know where she fits in. What does concern me, that Arya interjects fear into her relationships with family. Controlling an individual using fear tactics, is definitely physchopathic behavior! Arya we know you're really not evil! Please don't forget who really are, a Stark!

  15. Fellow actor, Liam Cunningham, said he couldn't understand why girls saw Arya as a role model. He actually called her a serial killer. Maybe he knows something about the Arya's future.

  16. For me the prob with Arya isn't her sadism to people who have wronged her. It's in her willingness to kill innocent people to get to her targets. Think of the serving girl at the Twins whose face she wore to get near Walder Frey. She isn't even phased by these kills, even though these people never wronged her. We know she cares for the Hound, but if it got her close to the Mountain, would she kill him for his face? What about Tyrion Lannister, who helped Jon, Sansa, and Bran over the years. If he was the price for her shot at Cersei, would she murder him in cold blood? This is the part about Arya I take issue with.

  17. i try not to judge Arya by our cultural and moral standards, but rather view her behavior relative to other soldiers of fortune / sell swords or men with too much power on the show and in that regard she seems pretty normal to me. Cersei kills a lot of people and so has Dany.

  18. No. Arya will not kill Tyrion. Tyrion will be showing up with Jon and working against Jon's interest makes no sense for her character. Also, why would she believe everything in that play the way it was shown? The play misrepresented Ned as well…so she should already know those actors dont have their facts straight. She actually corrected lady Crane on the way she depicted Cersei after Joffreys death

  19. I don't agree with the notion that Arya is psychotic. She isn't even a pure murderer. If she was, she would have sucessfully been a faceless man. Her time in Bravos proved to us that she is UNABLE to kill an innocent person simply because someone paid for the person's death. Arya is yet to kill one innocent person who hasn't wronged her. She killed Meryn Trant and Walder Frey who killed her brother and mother. Ok makes perfect sense to me. She wouldn't survive 5 minutes in Westeros if she has no viciousness towards her enemies

  20. I know it seems too good of an ending for her being with Gendry if they married but there has been a lot of show evidence that that has that possibility in it and it would be a twist for a character back in season one Ned said you will find a good man Prince and being a mother and she said that's not my life and George is all about plot twist I mean look at Jamie's character from season 1 to now I think bran will Warg into the undead dragon and get stuck and become part of the weirwood net and he just ends up flying west of Westeros

  21. Why does everyone say Sansa is a bitch and Arya is a bad-ass? If you put yourself in their shoes, Sansa is a pawn who's been used and raped and beaten (yet everyone hates her – I don't, btw) and Arya is a ruthless killer out for revenge. To quote Liam Cunningham "I don't know why young woman see Arya as a role model, she's nothing but a serial killer"


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