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Legends of Tomorrow, Season 3, The Flash, Season 4, Damien Darhk, Nora Darhk, Zari Adrianna Tomaz, Mick Rory, Rip Hunter, Sara Lance, Firestorm, Martin Stein, Citizen Steel, Vixen, Mallus

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The Music Credits in this video go to:

Marty Gots a Plan by Kevin MacLeod is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license (

George Street Shuffle by Kevin MacLeod is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license (


I have created this channel to work on reviews of TV series and Movies, comic book based ones more than others, but nonetheless movies based on games like War Craft and Assassin’s Creed are of special interest to me, and series and movies that get my interest such as The Expanse, The Man In the High Castle, Westworld, Game of Thrones are also included in my roster. I also do recaps of many series I watch even when not reviewing them.

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This video contains information on:
Legends of Tomorrow Season 5
Legends of Tomorrow Season 3 Episode 5 “Return of the Mack” Review & Easter Eggs!!!
Legends of Tomorrow Season 3 Episode 5 Review & Easter Eggs!!!
Legends of Tomorrow 3×05 Review And Easter Eggs
Legends of Tomorrow 3×05 “Return of the Mack” Review and Easter Eggs
Legends of Tomorrow 3×06
Legends of Tomorrow 3×06 Promo



  1. Hey Everyone, Let me know what you thought of this week's Legends of Tomorrow
    Let me know as well what you think of The Flash so far as well and specifically Episode 5.
    Have any theories on Mallus on your end? Let me know about them if you do!!!
    And until I see you next, have a good one!!!

    What do we know about The Thinker ?
    – He is the father of a scientist and they experiment on humans and meta humans together !
    – Their H.Q location is at the former Stag Industries in Central City , that is hinted by the former security guards who died at the most pleasure of Kaddabra
    – DeVoe has an interest for Barry Allen and knows him well
    – DeVoe was not yet named Clifford , DeVoe might get another name because its a comic book related tv series so they dont have to stick to the original name
    This so much is what we know about The Thinker , ah and … he was not yet refered to as The Thinker , he doesnt have that nickname yet , no one on this show ever told DeVoe , The Thinker , we just assume this , just like we assumed that Savitar was at least native american
    Who could DeVoe be from Barry s past , that Barry knows , but forgot about him ?
    This is where The Reverse Flash comes in !
    – Doctor Eobard Wells had many ties to many important people in the science area and the army , since he assumed the role of doctor Harrison Wells ( general Eiling and so many more )
    – Doctor evil Wells knew The Future and knew Barry s enemies ! He made efforts for the particle accelerator to be activated a few years earlier , so many big villains can go after Barry , later , much later assuming RF was victorious
    – DeVoe is the D.A who threw Henry Allen into prison for the crime Eobard done
    – Doctor Wells shared speed force knowledge so DeVoe can build that chair in exchange for scrap parts so that The Particle accelerator can be build early


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