I dug deep for this one so beware, it requires some tin foil and a heaping helping of crock pot stew! Lets discuss the Grand Maester Theory and how it will be adopted to fit into Game Of Thrones Season 8. Samwell Tarly maybe an unaware participant. Daenerys Targaryen and Jon Snow may be the victims. Lets Discuss!! *ALSO feel free to share you thoughts on this down below! I love hearing theories bashed so lets go!!

Tyrion’s Betrayal Theory!


Arya Theory EVERYONE Missed!

Season 8 “Plot Leak” Part 1

Season 8 Plot Leak Part 2

Season 8 Plot Leak Part 3

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  1. Maybe the maester’s know something that we all don’t? To rid the world of magic would undoubtably rid the world of the others, since they were created through TCOTF with magic. Like Berrick said to Jon, if the WW that created the whights is killed, they all die too. If you kill all magic, then all of the other (whights and white walkers) would cease to exist. I suppose that over time the maesters just failed with their ability to communicate what needs to happen. The shorter path to the truth is typically the ideal way. The bittersweet part will be that the Starks & Targaryen’s will cease to exist because they are made up of part magic too!

  2. I think the Dragons aren't the flying kind but the 3 heads of the dragon….3 people resurrected after death by the lord of light….with Targaryen blood. That ties into why one of them knew how to resurrect the mountain…the maesters are against that magic but apparently they have the knowledge. Its the same magic the WW use…one resurrected by fire…one by ice…the maesters just don't want resurrections period. And if they don't want the fire dragons coming back…OR want to kill them so they may be resurrected…that would be a reason to want to kill Targaryens…AND Baratheons (cause they are a basterd bloodline). The Baratheons got murdered as well…stannis had trouble having kids just like the mad king had trouble having kids. And all the Baratheon basterds got murdered…accept for gendry…varys heared something in the flames and got gendry out of kings landing before the killing started. I think varys will die protecting the Targaryens next season…he won't betray them..tyrion betrays them. But varys will die protecting them.

  3. I really appreciate your vast knowledge, insight, and commentary on GOT however there are far too many ads. The interruptions are so frequent that it just becomes too annoying to listen.

  4. I agree…Also the Maesters did talk about this prophesy…you know about The Drowned God VS Aegon The Conqueror.Could that means that Euron[as he describes himself as the Drowned God/Im the Storm and when the peoples sees my sails they pray]will fight Danny/Jon[as Danny is described like Aegon the Conqueror with tits and Jon is named also Aegon..both coming from Aegons line] or their son[who also will comes from Aegons line] in the future[if Euron survives S8..i hope not]?what is this prophesy and Euron part of the Maesters plans to destroy The Targaryens[Jon /Danny] and their Dragons?What is the connection of Euron with them?

  5. I know this wont happened but if so it would be a crazy twist!!! OK so i just thought of this & it would be Super BITTER & NOT AT ALL Sweet. OK so the ending Jon Snow & the Night King approach each other the NK walks up to Jon weaponless, Jon swings his sword at him & the NK shatters just like the white walker Jon killed at hardhome. Jon then falls to his knees just like at hardhome as well. Jon appears to be out of breath & tiered, still on his knees then suddenly falls face forward to the ground as the camera pans away cutting/transfering to Arya, showing her fall to her knees then face down to the ground as the camera pans away to cut/transfer now to Sansa. She falls to her knees then floor ect. Bran samething falls to the ground panning away now cutting/transfering back to Jon Snow. Jon still face down but seems to be moving / breathing or something like that, he rolls over & /or starts to stand up with the camera panning from his back side to his front side to show his face, eyes closed then opening them to now have blue eyes. Now ( assuming ) the new Night King then cutting/transfering to Arya openning her eyes showing them blue, Sansa, & Bran as well . All the Starks are now White Walkers. Comment # 9 viewer # 173

  6. It's paradox and laughable, that the Grand Maester Conspiracy and the paranoia from the Maesters could have been started through a prophecy by High Septon that Oldtown would burn if the city took up arms against the Targaryens which had to do with Aegon the Conqueror who traveled to Oldtown. From people who shouldn't listen to prophecies ignore them like the maesters in S7 did.

    The reason Aerys II went mad have mainly to do with his jelaousy and inferiority complex against Tywin who where his friend at the beginning of his rule and sad to be a more effective ruler than Aerys. Of course he was while Aerys mostly dreamed about unlogically buildings/things, maybe he was a better ruler than we give him credit because a lot of the notes from the reign of Aerys in The World of Ice and Fire are from Pycelle. But he made a lot mistakes, like to take his jelaousy to Tywin's of a high political level – like raising taxes and than blame it on his Hand etc. Even because Joanna birthed the twins and that his wife Rhaella have a lot stillbirths. The his paranoia worsened really a lot after the Defiance of Duskendale. It's not so fairly difficult to understand that he like to sense betrayal from a lot people at his court. And fairly enough Aerys was somewhat right, because Tywin and most other lords would at this time back Rhaegar as a more reasonable choice for a ruler. There the Grand/Great Maester Conspiracy it's sad that the maesters in the great houses influenced the lords to arrange marriage alliances like the Tully-Stark-Baratheon-Arryn alliance over all the houses and then throw over the Targaryens.
    Pycelle yes was mainly a Tywin's cronie, so yes he could be one of the persons responsible/influenced the mind of Aerys that in fact he went mad, but(!) than why did Aerys had trusted Pycelle's council in Robert's Rebellion to open the gate and not Varys'?

    Still I don't see him manipulate the experiment and be responsible for the death of Aegon V. That was a self-inflicted accident. Aegon hadn't the right circumstances at this time as Dany. Did the Grand Maester travel with the King? I don't think he does, but I'm not that sure.

    I think there is still validation for the Grand Maester Conspiracy like Luwin telling Bran that what he experiences ar regular dreams etc. and of course the behaviour of the Archmaesters/Maesters in S7.

  7. I want the NK to fly to Old Town, and show the maesters not only are dragons really back, the NK is real and back as well. Plus Westeros needs a fresh start from these stuffy controlling maesters. As well as Kings landings and maybe the citadels destruction as well. Fresh start with independent realms. Probably won't happen that way but I like the idea of it. Lol


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