The Dom teams up with Calluna again to review the second of The Hobbit adaptation trilogy: The Desolation of Smoug.

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  1. Few things infuriate me as much as these films. They could have been great! The extended version did a good job of adding essential canon scenes that should have been in the movie rather than random Legolas bullshit and meaningless padding, but unfortunately nothing could save this series from the desolation that was the third movie.

  2. Am I the only one who thinks the Nostalgia Critic is the LAST person who should be lecturing about Crossover edict? I mean, Didn't he kidnap Sage, bind him to a chair for the whole review, and refuse to scratch his nose? Kind of a pot calling the kettle black situation to me.

  3. Given the shit show that Jackson walked into when he took over from Del Toro, I forgive him for the Hobbit. He had like five years to plan out LOTR, but the Hobbit was already in preproduction for a couple of years when Jackson got hired, and the movie at that point was a Del Toro take on the book… Jackson pretty much had to throw everything out, and start from scratch in order to make it fit in with LOTR, and pretty much made it up as he went.

    With how big of a shit show this trilogy's production was, I think it's a damn good movie trilogy.

  4. I have always imagine that Peter Jackson stop reading the book at the middle, throw it over his shoulder and decide that since he have done the Lord of the rings he didn't need to finish it


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