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The first we hear about the Horn of WInter is in the book A Clash Of Kings

Jon Snow And Lord Commandor Mormont are dicussing Mance Radar and then talk historic Kings Beyond the Wal

Mormont says “Aye, and long before them came the Horned Lord and the brother kings Gendel and Gorne, and in ancient days Joramun, who blew the Horn of Winter and woke giants from the earth. Each man of them broke his strength on the Wall, or was broken by the power of Winterfell on the far side…”

Later in A Storm of Swords, we learn that Mance Radar has searching for the horn of winter to use as a weapon “If I sound the Horn of Winter, the Wall will fall.”

Mance and Mormont seem to have different legends., because according to Morton Joramum did, actually, blow the horn and woke giants from the earth, which according to Mance should have knocked down the wall, but obviously that hasn’t happened

After the wildling attack of the wall, Jon goes to meet with Mance, and Mance claims a giant horn he has is the horn of winter, but then Stanis turns up, defeats the Wildlings, captures Mance and Milisandre ends up burning the Horn

After though, Tormund tells Jon “She burned that fine big horn, aye. A bloody sin, I call it. A thousand years old, that was. We found it in a giant’s grave, and no man o’ us had ever seen a horn so big. That must have been why Mance got the notion to tell you it were Joramun’s. He wanted you crows to think he had it in his power to blow your bloody Wall down about your knees. But we never found the true horn, not for all our digging. ”

So Mance and the wildlings never found the horn, so that seems like the end of it right.. actually no, because a horn was found..

So we go back to a clash of Kings and The nights watch are making camp at the fist of the first menJons hungry so he goes by the fire to get something to eat and, some of the nights watch menare talking “What is it you smell, Dywen?” asked Grenn.
The forester sucked on his spoon a moment. He had taken out his teeth. His face was leathery and wrinkled, his hands gnarled as old roots. “Seems to me like it smells… well… cold. “

“Your head’s as wooden as your teeth,” Hake told him. “There’s no smell to cold.”

There is, thought Jon, remembering the night in the Lord Commander’s chambers. It smells like death.

After this conversation Jon loses his appetite and goes back to his tent to sleep, but hes woken up by his wolf, ghost

“The direwolf circled the fire, sniffing Jon, sniffing the wind, never still. It did not seem as if he were after meat right now. When
the dead came walking, Ghost knew He woke me, warned me. ”

“The direwolf loped off, stopped, looked back. He wants me to follow.”

So Jon gets up and follows him out of camp and down the fist of the first men, then loses sight of him..




  1. that horn jon found has to be some thing special, it was mentioned through out the books in sam's chapter. he didn't sale it for money even when they were piss poor in bravos.

  2. Im gonna put it out there, the horn of winter isnt meant to be blown by the living. Anything "OF WINTER" in this universe is not going to be a good thing. It either needs to be blown north of the wall, or a white lord needs to use it, and since they have a relatively singular objective so far, im gonna assume the horn of winter is some kind of immensily powerful necromancy item to wake giants, and possibly dragons from death or turn them undead. My money is on danaerys losing one of her dragons to the night king and having him have an ice dragon. GOnna be some wrath of the lich king shit going down, also, fun fact, the horn of winter is a buff in world of warcraft for frost death knights, and i can tell you right now, being an undead ice warrior, the honr of winter was one of the most powerful buffs you use. This is not a weapon for the living to use against the white walkers, its something to be destroyed, buried or both.

  3. What if it wasn't Bloodraven controlling Ghost but Bran going back to plant the seeds in the fight against the walkers we know he's a powerful warg & could slip into summer easy enough so Ghost wouldn't be a problem & it's looking like Brans gonna be the main man in the fight against the Nights kings army & we know he can travel back so I think he'll start pulling the strings from before he was born

  4. It does sound like there's some future significance for that broken horn, considering how that's just about the only possession Sam comes away from Bravos with. But, as for a reason for Cold Hands to lead Sam to a passage beneath the Wall, the apparent reason is so that Sam can meet and send Bran back through the other direction.


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