The Iron Bank has loaned 10s of millions of gold dragons to Kings Landing and to Stannis Baratheon and it is now time for the Iron Bank to have their due! What trouble lies ahead for Westeros when faced with the wrath of the iron bank!

Check out my Game of Thrones Iron Bank Theory!



  1. Wow. So glad I found your channel man. So many great theories are on the internet but I really liked your style of presenting it. The narration and editing was fantastic. You just EARNED a subscriber, hope to see many more from you.

  2. i think they back up euron and he will be the one who kills cersei and takes the throne, but he will be taken down by someone without iron banks support and no blood connection to robert so the iron back will loose their money


    Very interesting video. I was reading about the Golden Company after seeing another theory that, although Cersei has sent Euron to bring them to work for her, they may instead stand with Daenerys because they have done it before when they stood with a Targaryen after breaking a contract (something they apparently never do).

    With Jon Snow being confirmed as a Targaryen and there's another theory that Tyrion Lannister is also one (Tywin said Tyrion isn't his son more than once), thus giving us the 3 headed dragon thing, it could be possible that both the Golden Company and the Iron Bank will back the Targaryen side against Cersei.

  4. I am Gidfer. I am an exile from my homeland
    You will not know my name I am the true king of the 1st men and not recorded in the perverted distortions of the Anadalian heralds and chroniclers.
    I will return and have my due. I will cut a bloody swathe from Qarth to Braavos all who stand in my way will feel my wrath. All who dare to say the names of the Userpers will bow and tremble before me and beg my forgiveness. The Iron Bank that co op of filthy wine sodden copper counters who financed my enemies and hastened my exit from the home I loved and dared to fabricate a history of their own will once again shudder when my name is spoke in their citadel.
    The mere utter of my name is still a crime in Braavos "the free city"never has a more ludicrous title proceeded such a ghastly rabble of chain bearers and overlords.
    I will return
    You can help me.
    Send $99/€47/£49 to
    And help me rise to prominence once again.

    I remember my friends.
    Gidfer rightful king of the 1st men and bloody good bloke.

  5. I can't imagine a single book reader can be happy with Season 7 of Game of Thrones. I haven't read the books (yet) and I think it was a disaster. There was no logical consistency, no character development and the only "political intrigue" we got was forced down our throat in the form of two sisters that went full bitchtard.

  6. It would make the most sense to take Eurons gold to pay off the debt of the Kingslanding, but he should not have enough money to afford to buy golden company. So he might end up without any army realistically speaking. They might even confiscate his ships cause he is associated with the crown. We are talking 10s of millions here.

  7. Rubbish. Of course, the Iron Bank has ways and methods to ask back their money, but this theory here is rubbish. Sorry. If somebody owes you a lot of money, you will lose all if you kill him. So, there is a chance that the Lannisters, as long as they hold power will pay back the debts, if not in full, then partial and additional there are a lot of interests to pay.
    Davos is Jon's adviser, so what has Jon to do with the money Stannis borrowed? And it was Stannis who borrowed the money for his cause, not Davos even if he persuaded the Iron Bank. I am pretty sure that the Iron Bank will sign contracts with their debtors?
    And what logic lies in there, that a bank hold a loyal soldier accountable for the debts of his King or Master? They are not related by family.

  8. The Iron Bank isn't stupid enough to think they can trust Euron. He's not working for the Iron Bank. No way. Even if, by some miracle, he found himself on the Iron Throne uncontested, he's not going to start paying huge amounts to the Braavosi.


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