Kingsman: The Golden Circle (2017), explained!

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  1. This video missed a major point of Merlin's death. Although very stoic and goal oriented directly after the destruction and deaths of kingsman. Later when he's drinking and he believes that there is nothing more he can do, and that he's failed in his service to kingsman. He breaks down crying, and blames himself for all the deaths. He is heartbroken by all the deaths, because he was so close to all the agents, having trained and raised them almost like a surrogate father. So his death at the end was actually more complex. Firstly he was avenging the deaths of all of his beloved agents, and completing his final service/mission for them, obviously. But on another level, although he was highly involved in training, he was never in the field, he never put his own life in danger. This is shown by the fact that the only reason he survived was that he was not important enough for his address to be put in the database. So on some level he's facing his intense guilt for training his agents in something, he himself would not do. This culminates in his last act of heroism. There is a very good reason why they don't just make a run for it or use a rock on the mine. It's because if that mine exploded, they would loose the element of surprise, risking failing the mission. If they can no longer sneak in, then someone needs to stand on the mine, lure all of the guards to him and detonate it, killing the guards and creating a distraction/chaos. Now it is very important that eggsy is the one that trips the mine because eggsy is one of merlin's trainees, he is literally the last of his surrogate children. Merlin has a chance to save eggsy, a chance that he did not have with all the other agents. And he saves him, as an agent, as a hero, by sacrificing his life for his. Something that is asked of every agent, but never before of him. Something that he was willing to do for all the others, but could not. His sacrifice in his mind, is his redemption for not being able to save the rest. He spent his life watching over and protecting agents, and he nearly had all of that taken from him in an instant, all he had left was eggsy, that's why he acts so quickly, he doesn't need to think or hesitate, he can die happy with his sacrifice. Being able to die as an agent, just as all off his trainee's had died as agents.

  2. The deaths of Roxy, JB, and even Merlin could have worked, but they were played off in the worst way possible. There's no emotional weight to any of them after they happen, and they have no bearing on the story. With Roxy especially, Eggsy is sad for a brief moment, but within a couple minutes, he and Merlin are cracking jokes and drinking whiskey – and then the rest of the film plays out the exact same way it would have whether Roxy had died or not.

    The deaths of the characters also could have served as a way to darken the tone of the movie and show us the stakes, but instead, this one is far sillier and more ridiculous than the original. Horrible film.

    Nice vid though, mate.

  3. It was literally like they hired an apprentice effects manager who had only been taught how to do explosives… I think Roxy will come back because let's face it, it was quick and somewhat meaningless whereas Merlin died to save the others.


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