Out of all of the questionable moments in Khaleesi’s journey to the Iron Throne, her relationship with Jon Snow (Kit Harrington) is what irked viewers the most, with just over 21% of respondents choosing this moment to be the one that went too far. The romantic tension between the two rulers is rather evident throughout Season 7, with them finally coming together in the finale. Given Khaleesi and Jon’s familial ties, their relationship certainly errs on the questionable side. It’s eventually revealed that Jon is the illegitimate child of Lyanna Stark and Rhaegar Targaryen, making Khaleesi his aunt.

While fans thought this incestual relationship was just too much, there were plenty of other Khaleesi moments that also pushed things to the limits. Others felt the scene where she walks into a funeral pyre in Season 1 is the most over-the-top moment for the character, according to 20.38% of our poll-takers. Yes, she was mourning the death of her beloved Khal Drogo (Jason Momoa) and her unborn baby and went into the fire while in a sort of trance, but the moment just seemed too extra for some.

Another controversial Khaleesi moment was when she decided to burn King’s Landing to the ground as innocent citizens perished, which 20.22% of our voters chose as her worst moment. The scene showed Khaleesi in a merciless and cruel light, and it was a completely unexpected act. Additionally, 19.27% of our poll takers felt when she burned the warlocks in Season 3 was just too much, while 19.12% of voters chose when she burned all of the Khals in Season 6.



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