Liitlefinger makes the Knights of the Vale ready for the War to come. House Stark is in need. Will House Arryn help them?
Game of Thrones 6×04 (FullHD)


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  1. A bit unrealistic…would the Bolton men turn on Roose, or Tarley's men?
    They joined their Lords and went against The Stark and Tyrells all along.
    And these were respected families…but "sweet Robyn" and his mother…

  2. oddly enough littlefinger may have just taught robyn two valuable lessons unintentionally through his double manipulation.

    1) realize that the people around your are valuable (by getting him to not throw royce from the moon door… ignoring the fact that littlefinger engineered the whole setup in the first place)

    2) think about and help the people who mean something to you (by nudging him to come to sansa's aid even though at first he didn't seem to want to)

    in both of these, robyn thinks he is coming to the conclusions on his own, so they'll stick with him longer than him simply being told directly. it's an unintended side-effect of littlefinger's manipulation.

  3. Interestingly enough wen Robyn arryn heard sanza was in trouble his first reaction was to help her nothing else no direction from little finger which shows If nothing else he cares for family

  4. Interestingly enough wen Robyn arryn heard sanza was in trouble his first reaction way to help her nothing else no direction from little finger which shows I'd nothing else he cares for family

  5. There are much worse guys around than Robin Arryn, spoiled and isolated for years by his insane mother. Victim of his upbringing, really. Respect for his first reaction when he hears of Sansa: help her. Hardly a Joffrey/Ramsay material. Small chance he might grow up to be somebody in the show. Too bad he won't survive in the books anyway – epilepsy.


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