Hey y’all! I absolutely loved the Last Jedi! I wanted to make a theory video based off of storylines that happened in The Last Jedi. If you haven’t watched The Last Jedi, DO NOT watch this video. This video contains SPOILERS and I don’t want ruin anything for anyone who hasn’t seen it. BTW I DO NOT OWN any Star Wars official images. All images belong to Lucasfilm and Disney.



  1. I can’t imagine that half the population (the male half) doesn’t appreciate having man hating feminist propaganda rubbed in the face for 2 & 1/2 hours at $20 a ticket. When they thought they were going to maybe recapture a little magic by escaping off to a science fiction space Cowboy Samurai Fantasy Movie. I certainly didn’t think I was going to pay for my family to sit through 2 & 1/2 hours of Femin-nazi Daddy Hate Porn Besides character assassination and the meticulous murder of all possible alpha male personality types, hallow characters that nobody cares about, major plot holes, a slow motion chase, bad writing, zero logic, a convoluted story, and editing done by Cuisinart. It’s Kathleen Kennedy’s Man Hating Feminist Nazi wet dream. And the Leia Superman scene was beyond stupid. with zero character archs, and the tasteless representation of a classic hero as a coward, and then his death. All while teaching my daughter that just being female makes her superior that she’ll never have to work, endure, struggle, earn, practice, study, train, cultivate or develop a single thing, because she’s just superior to people whom have worked for years to become masters, but she’s just better just because she is female. And I don’t see why they can’t can not have a strong male and a strong female protagonist (like 4, 5, and 6 had) Seriously what am I supposed to tell my son? Oh sorry you were born at the wrong time you’re not allowed to have a good guy strong moral male role models anymore, that time had past. Only females get to be the smart and strong protagonist good guys? Even the original trilogy had a princess Leia who stands strong and kills the people who try to belittle her. But in this little boys are left with nothing but the villain Kylo as a strong character because ‘all males must be evil- there certainly isn’t any female villains and thats on purpose’ then I guess there’s Poe who gets slapped and shunned and reprimanded like a puppy that pissed on the carpet. Finn who you made a clown. Or Luke no wait he gets beat up by Rey and then killed. And Rey is such a blatant Mary Sue she even defeated Luke during her 2 out of 3 Lessons that LUKE Taught her. I’m done Stars Wars. Again I certainly would not have paid 50 dollars in ticket prices alone too see a movie If I had known my family would have to sit through a 2 &1/2 hour Man Hating, Femin-nazi Marxist Lecturing Man Hate Rally.
    So it’s AWFUL
    Episode 9 is called Black Diamond because..In Episode 9 a Quivering Cowering Sniveling Luke comes back as a Force Ghost to Shine Shoes by licking them clean and then to Wipe Rey’s Ass at her Beckoning Call. Until they shine like a ‘Black Diamond’. Rey will then kill all male characters that don’t tremble before her, and she will take everyone’s money and live in the Disney Castle as Queen of the universe. Yeah it’s Luke’s fault that Rey hasn’t trained or earned anything Ever! Silly man working is something only males should have to do. Besides Rey beat up Luke, and she doesn’t need to study, work, practice, or any training, because she’s already the Greatest Most powerful Jedi Master ever, not just because she’s a Mary Sue. And it really makes a lot of sense to make the protagonist so overly OP that the only antagonists left are the actual underdogs without a chance. I think Rey gets her all of her force powers from Kathleen Kennedy. https://youtu.be/lWA2pjMjpBs

  2. When Leia kissed Luke", just to make a point to Han", in The Empire Strikes Back, poor Luke became infatuated with Leia" and Han was jealous. Then", in Return Of The Jedi, Luke realizes through the Force that Leia is his sister. Inside", Leia always knew that Luke is her sibling, and inside", Luke knew the same about Leia. Ol' George threw us a weird curve ball.

  3. Redemption comes in many forms…some not very recognizable, but there.  Ben is now in a position to have his eyes opened to a lot of things, and do a lot of good.  We already know he doesn't like planets blowing up- methinks he'll put a stop to that for sure.  He might just find himself 'on the saving side of things' within the First Order.  Did you see the GLARE Hux gave him at the end?  And how long do you think he'll keep his little secret about WHO KILLED SNOKE?    I think the movie will end in some sort of balance achieved between him and Rey.

  4. You know I just had an ironic thought, what if Rey gets pregnant in episode 9 by Kylo, and then he dies somehow only for Rey to survive and discovers how to force time travel into the past and casts away on Tatooine, and then renames herself Shmi Skywalker in honor to Kylo's bloodline.Could that be what J.J. Abrams was talking about when he said episode 9 would tie all 3 trilogies together?

  5. Such a good video btw!!
    I thought all hope for a kylo redemption story was gone after his actions following reys rejection but then that last scene where they still have their force bond even when snokes dead and he "created" it, where he looks at her. He looks like he's lost and angry that he's lost everything and everyone he once cared about; that face and them eyes at the end of that scene weren't full of anger and vengefulness but sadness and regret. I still think there's a BIG chance kylo will be redeemed but I just hope they won't kill him… also when rey closed the door on kylo (reluctantly) it was a bit like her saying "you find me" for kylo to be redeemed he needs to do it himself without rey begging him

  6. So crazy, but I went I watched TLJ…and after the movie I was talking to a woman behind me, about what she thought…well she ended up being your Mom, she was so nice and we had a good convo about the movie, I need to see it again to get a better grasp on the overall message..

  7. I agree with all your ideas and wishes. But Kylo has been so bad. I think there will be either no redemption and he dies, or he dies doing something heroic. I don’t see how he gets a happy end after what he’s done. Hope I’m wrong!


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