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Haven't seen it yet, but going to go in with low expectations.
I'd place it in 5th, behind the originals and ROTS but better than the 1st 2 prequels and the best Disney film.
ROTJ is the best film hands down. But here's my ranking:
2. ESB
3. ANH
5. TLJ
6. R1
7. TPM
8. TFA
From what I understand of the movie based on what you said: STAR WARS episode 8 Attack of the Clones!
Looking forward to Luke the White in The two towers … I mean Episode IX
While I do agree with you Antoine that this movie isn't ESB, I really enjoyed this movie. I wouldn't it amazing, but I'm not going to call it bad, like The Force Awakens. This movie was balsy and I appreciate it, but I do think it was a bit overambitious. For starters, I totally get where you are coming from Antoine about Luke. And I partially agree with you about the movie not showing Kylo's darkness in those flashbacks. But I disagree. I really loved this take on Luke who is more cumegedoned and doubtful. It humanizes him in a way that I could relate. And really, the movie touches on the idea of legacies and the idea of how that can affect a person.
And in the case of Luke, he seemed very set in his ways being the Jedi post ROTJ and ultimately that short-sighted him. And I loved how Yoda reminded him that failure is the biggest lesson. So yeah, I can dig this Luke Skywalker a lot.
1 of only 2 People’s opinion I want to hear.
Hello Antoine. I havent watched your vid yet, because I havent seen The last Jedi, and I dont wanna be spoiled (though I intend to watch your vid after ive seen the movie a couple of times). But I came to make a comment about your title, which I feel sets your opinion that its not a great experience, and people look up to you. So they might have their opinion swayed before they even see the movie and have a chance to make up their minds.
My ask is that you pick a more neutral title when going into something this big as a new star wars movie talk. I dont mean to be mean or anything, just wanted to give my opinion. Im seeing it tommorow and Im still excited, and hopefully will like it a lot
It wasn't a mess, it was phantom menace bad. Maybe worse
The snoke death scene doesn't make sense lore wise or from what you'd expect from the big bad in a movie, but it does make sense from Kylo's psyche, he's someone with massive trust issues and the way he was scolded by snoke seeded doubt in his mind, made more clear by his rage in the elevator. This seed was then fed by Rey's talk, and he made that decision. That taken into consideration… Killing snoke was wrong.
I’m glad I’m not the only one who thought this. My feelings for this movie are SO mixed
It had some great stuff. I think it was a very good film.
Dude talk to your girlfriend man bad idea not to answer
Wow you didn't like it? it's certainly better than the Force Awakens. I still need to process everything and see it again to rank if
do the reapers show up?
I have never ended a Star Wars film feeling empty. I have never left feeling, nothingness. But I have now.
Also if the knight of ren made up from the other half of Lukes students then that's a contradiction because it's been said they are not force sensitives
Luke had a vision about what Ben would become, and so he contemplated just putting an end to it right there. The vision must've been very convincing (and obviously it was accurate) for Luke to consider ending his nephew. But Luke specifically noted it was only for a split moment, and he felt IMMENSE shame afterwords. Is this really such an OOC thing for Luke to do? The guy who callously chopped off Gamorrean limbs? I mean yeah, he redeemed Vader…after violently thrashing him. He's not perfect. Luke IS compassionate, but I also got the impression that he's a no-nonsense kind of guy. It's like Hamill lamenting Luke's decision to maim a hungry Wampa instead of just scaring it away or something, saying that isn't what Luke would do—but that IS precisely what Luke would do.
"But this was suppose to be Grandmaster Luke!" put simply, it's not. This isn't the EU. And honestly, that is a good thing. EU Luke…Is not so good, character-wise and power-wise, to say the least.
Luke projected that lightsaber… I think him disappearing with it would give it away 🙂
Shoot! I missed the stream…
Alright, I get a lot of your points. I feel like maybe the movie could’ve fleshed out a few of it’s plot points a bit more just to explain more, but other than that, I’m actually one of those people who really enjoyed the movie. There was a lot of things happening, so I get why there were high points and low points, but overall I left the theatre with my head swimming in the best way possible. There were trippy scenes, beautiful scenes, badass scenes, character progression, and a beautiful tribute to Carrie Fischer. But what really sells the movie for me is that I get what their meaning behind the movie was. You push forward and you keep going even though you’ll run into bumps along the way. There were a lot of plots in this movie, but they all have that main idea behind them. Plus, I like that Kylo’s gonna be in charge next film. He’s so conflicted and interesting that it will be interesting to see what happens.
But that’s just my opinion. Yours is very different from mine, but I understand your reasons for having said opinion and I’m glad I heard it.
May you have a lovely day, and may the Force be with you.
I liked it a lot. Just like I liked number 7.
It was amazing. That being said, the pacing was off.
Will we be getting a council forcecast about the last jedi?
Yes! I'm so glad you guys are going to do a Forcecast for the movie! Looking forward to it 🙂
What if Kylo actually planned all of that use Rey to kill snoke finish the republic then rule the galaxy he just misjudged Rey and got distracted by Luke in the end
They messed up Luke and Snoke so bad!
The 2 most important things i cared about
let George Lucas direct the movies again, seriously.
This film took a lot of risks, which is why it's so polarizing. But it leaves you thinking, it challenges you. But watching it a second time knowing that it's coming helps a lot, it was hard to form an opinion because of the shock coming out of it. Like the decision with Snoke, coming out of it I was very confused but looking back it serves Kylo's story, and goes back to what he says about letting the past die. The parallel between Yoda saying in failure we learn and Kylo saying let the past die is an interesting one. I feel like if they focused more of the "who wins in war" idea in Canto Bight, since it doesn't lead anywhere storywise it could have helped strengthened Finn and Rose as characters.
So it seems killing children is a genetic issue at this point.
They so should've switched sides. I hoped they would, especially when Kylo told Rey you will switch, and then you could tell he was going to kill Snoke. It would've been epic, and poetic. The thing I hated most about it, was that new damn kid they threw in at the end. Unless he ends up being a Sith lol
after discussing with my cousin i though Last Jedi is a mess yet beautiful
here's why:
1. i agree with most of ur points. i think now Star Wars is on the brink of career suicide as a franchise in the long run
2. however in short terms i cant deny Ryan Johnson successfully give us a beautiful representation of Luke/Mark Hamil in this film
I can't believe that this movie is receiving positive review from critics. Nothing to say…. Just wow
Already this film is divisive
I just saw it. I liked it and was in my top 3. I knew its faults and tried to not think about the bad. Now seeing everyone hating it…. :/ my feelings are in the top 3 and I will wait the second time. I feel that it will be an average Starwars. I expect after seeing it and analyzing it, I expect it to be in the top 5.