Let’s talk about why Littlefinger is a goner this season!



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  1. Lol I never understood people who thought this quote was like, Sansa about Jon while she betrays him or about Sansa betraying her family. It was SOOOO OBVIOUS to me right at that moment that it was about Littlefinger. I'm glad I found this video because all the dumb theories I had to suffer through because of this single quote were so annoying.

  2. Think Bran knew exactly what to tell Sansa to make her think in a path that would lead to Littlefinger's demise, only way that awkward sentence could make sense.

  3. The lone wolf its dead since the first season when lord eddard stark die at kinglanding… benjen at the Wall,brandon stark death ,lyanna stark death and rickard stark death …made eddard the lone wolf all members of stark its dead except him

  4. I agree that Littlefinger will die (at the hand of Brienne by order of Sansa), but I don't think he's the Lone Wolf. If you think about it, the only wolf that has been on his own is not Bran, but Benjen. Benjen has been alone for a long time and will die defending the North and the pack (Bran, Sansa, Arya and Jon aka Jaeharys) will survive.

    Side note: It's interesting the Arya may return to Winterfell and do exactly as you say, but needing the Knights of the Vale, Sansa may not order the execution/murder/demise of Littlefinger. Sansa can, however, order the removal of his "little" finger rendering him a eunuch, and unfit to rule (to rule, you must be able to perpetuate your line). This would be his ultimate demise. Just food for thought, and in line with Martin, Benihoff and Weiss character cruelty.

  5. Neither Littlefinger nor Varys cannot die this season. That is my prediction. Unless the writers of the show are bad writers, it wouldn't make sense for either of them to die now. They have to last till the end because they are two masterminds, and Peter is actually the best player.

  6. Sansa STILL has some growing up to do. John EARNED the title of "King of the North". I think that she and Little Finger swooped in just in time and saved the battle against Ramsey but that was little Finger's plan. She's his pawn and has yet to earn the title of Queen.

  7. and a big beef between Jon and Sansa wont need a big story build cuz the true born son will arrive and Sansa wont lead anymore. She should hookup w , marry Robyn and run the Vale

  8. The thing that strikes me as strange about Sansa reciting Ned's words that "the lone wolf dies, but the pack survives" is that Ned never said that to Sansa. He said it to Arya, after she and Sansa were hateful towards each other after Sansa's wolf was put down. Why, if Ned said those words to Arya alone, is Sansa saying them? I think the sisters will reunite at Winterfell and work together to take down Littlefinger; perhaps with Arya playing dress up as Sansa?

  9. I always thought that the lone wolf was Rob. He went to war on his own, ignored his own family's advice and got himself killed.
    The lone wolf could also be Arya, she's been a total loner from the start.
    Up until Jon and Sansa met up, the "lone wolf" could have been each and every one of the Stark Children.

  10. I dunno about all of the "littlefinger must die" hype everyone has…I dont think they would be showing him failing left&right if it wasnt gonna swing the other way somehow.

    I do think sansa will try to manipulate him, and he might not even see it coming. But even if his plan A fails, I still think he'll pull a reversal out of his ass & survive…@ this point, his demise is WAY too predictable!

    just like how dany couldnt just win the throne in 3-4 episodes, baelish wont go down all season, just to lose anyway

  11. What I wonder is if the Stark siblings get together are realize just how much of a hand Littlefinger has had in their family's trauma, how will they get rid of him? They need the support of the Vale… Maybe attempting a trial with a carefully modified story so as to not ruin Sansa? Or Arya will slowly poison him, making it appear as if he fell in and died- he's in the harsh northern climate, afterall 🙂

  12. The lone wolf is none of them, they want you to think it's one of the starks but in reality Sansa is simply saying that family who sticks together is who survives!

  13. Cute theory but i;d like to disagree.According to the trailer analysis ,Sansa says these words to Bran sitting in his wheelchair by
    the tree.I fail to imagine a conversation between the 2 reffering to Littlefinger as "Lone Wolf.Every Stark but her maybe fills the
    profile better.I can imagine Bran saying he will leave again become only he can stop the night king,John going north alone for
    the mission and so on,.. Still LOVE you tho 😀

  14. I really believe all this too and what's going to push her over the edge is bran telling sansa everything little finger has done. At least that's what I think when she's walking away from the tree in the preview

  15. Maybe when Arya gets to Winterfell, she tells Sansa that Ned told he she must accept Sansa for who she is and stick together, the lone wolf dies but the pack survives. This will spur Sansa to enact the endgame with Littlefinger. For Sansas pack to survive, she must take out the wedge and the danger he truly is.

  16. The one thing that needs to happen is the contrast of how STARKS PUT FAMILY FIRST to HOW THE LANNISTERS DO NOT .The way I see it is everything that TYWIN wanted his children to be but never got the STARK CHILDREN are all about family.

  17. I sort of disagree that Sansa gave Jon bad advice in season 6. She told Jon to not do what Ramsay wants him to do. If you think about that a little bit, you'd know that this means that Ramsay was going to plot something. What Sansa was saying that that Jon should not take the bait in whatever Ramsay does. And Sansa was correct. Here's why….

    Jon, Davos and Tormund were discussing battle strategy. Tormund knew nothing of battle and terminology, so Jon explained that they would dig trenches so that Ramsay's mounted men could not flank them like Stannis' army did. But Jon ruined this strategy by going after Rickon, and the result here was that Jon's army had to break from their ranks to get to him before Ramsay's army slaughtered him. That pulled Jon's forces away from their trenches and left them incredibly vulnerable. Ramsay dangled the bait (Rickon Stark). Jon took the bait, hook line and sinker. It would have cost them, if not for The Knights of the Vale.


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