Thoros of Myr details his personal history as a follower of the Lord of Light, from his skeptical youth in Myr, to his visions in the flames that have made him a believer.



  1. Remember when misande said the context of the prophesy didn't say boy or girl it could be both? I got a feeling Dany who "woke dragons from stone" will have to use john's heart to forge light bringer.

  2. 2:28 to "wake dragons from stone"? the word here is "wake" and not "hatched" meaning that a full size dragon is being awakened from long sleep/hibernation.
    Secondly what is this "stone" he is referring to? A castle perhaps?

  3. There is a strong argument that Jon & Dany could both be the Prince that was Promised. But, according to legend if the battles represent a pattern it is pointing to Dany as Azor Ahai. I think that Azor Ahai's lover will be Ser Jorah (recovered from greyscale and came back to her). And, with some reading just now I think I just figured out who Lightbringer could be. It seems to be a army, maybe involving dragons. The Golden Company, in which was founded by Aegor Rivers, called "Bittersteel", a legitimized bastard of King Aegon IV Targaryen (Dragon). Lightbringer is not a physical sword-it is metaphorical!

    My prediction: Dany is Azor Ahai, Ser Jorah is Nissa Nissa, and Lightbringer is the Golden Company.

  4. Yea, its probably gonna be Jon killing Dani but then sacrificing himself to kill the Walkers. He never looks at the big picture.

    But if the Walker share memory through magic then it makes sense when they see Dragons that they would have been prepared for it… as the prophecy goes the Dragons had defeated them times past.


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