Either you believe what Jesus taught, about everything (including Heaven/Hell) or you don’t believe Him at all…

David Wilkerson’s full message on the subject of Hell:



  1. The Bible is very clear that the consequences of sin is death. God is the source of all life and therefore the separation of God from us our sins brings death… For there to be a physical hell where you burn FOREVER, God would have to give eternal life to those burning. Eternal life is only promised to the righteous so it would make no sense to give to the unrighteous too. Also, God would be immortalising sin because each time we think about it, we will remember all the bad things…God has promised to wipe out of the face of the earth so why would He still allow the people to suffer forever? What has God got to gain from all that? Hell is in fact eternal death by fire. Yes, people will burn but ultimately they will die. Even Satan himself.

  2. it is non existence. The smoke from there ashes will go up forever like the pit of garbage gahena or however its spelled. This is an absolute butchering of Gods word and zero understanding. It equals the same thing. I cant even listen to this past two minutes its just butchering Gods word.

  3. Hell is eternal DEATH. It is the 2nd death of those who refuse the salvation provided by the triune Godhead. This is not ETERNAL torment and torture. There is NO place called Hell. Hell is an event called the Lake of Fire, which is reserved for Satan and his fallen angels. The unrighteous will join Satan in this fiery lake. The Bible also says that death, the grave, and SIN will also be destroyed in this same lake of fire. Evil will be no more. Eternal life is only promised to those that accept Christ's righteousness. John 3:16 – there is only everlasting life or PERISH. God's wrath is against evil – against SIN, not sinners. Sin is the transgression of God's law and the penalty is DEATH – not eternal torment. Christ paid the death penalty for those that accept it. Christ took what we deserve and he gave us what we don't deserve – justification and sanctification so we CAN keep His eternal, divine laws. His law is the law of love, liberty, equality, and justice for all. God's anger is against SIN.

  4. Absolute unalloyed garbage. The only reason this man and so many 'preachers' like him have an audience at all is because God's people will not read His Word. If they obeyed God and "searched the scriptures" and "studied to show themselves approved" they would hastily see the gross error of this false prophet's message. The entire thing, from start to finish, is nonsense. Moreover, it's blasphemous.

    Christians, read your Bibles. Study them. Start from the book of beginnings, Genesis, and proceed through EVERY book all the way to the end of Revelation. Ask God for wisdom and understanding and humble yourselves to OBEY the Word as you receive it. And I promise, you will see the lies this preacher has either believed himself or is orchestrating for the poor sheep to be deluded thereby…

    Jesus Christ came in his Father's name preaching the gospel of the Kingdom of God to His people, Israel. Those "who hear his voice" ARE those people. They will enter into his Kingdom, as he promised, on this earth, at the end of the age. Everyone else will be cast out of the kingdom, "into outer darkness", FOR THE AGE. Those who "die in their sins" will indeed be resurrected to judgement and there will be "weeping and gnashing of teeth" for the "Many"…And Christians, the "Many" includes you who are disobedient to Christ, and who blaspheme Him, and teach others to do likewise (Luke 13:23-26; Matt 7:22-23)

  5. Hell allows the problem of evil and sin to still exist in gods creation. In the ECT model, god never destroys wickedness and sin, thus the creation isn't truly restored.

  6. "Either you believe what Jesus taught, about everything (including Heaven/Hell) or you don't believe Him at all…" – That's a shame, I thought you had an open mind to the possibility that you "could" have been lied to. I'm not saying anything against faith in Christ's teachings, but surely you can't just take everything in modern Bibles literally. Maybe the "Hell" referred to is the life of a sinner, and all the descriptions are just a metaphor? If you sin, don't you feel guilty? That "guilt" could be the hell, which is why we must try to keep faith and not sin?

  7. I'm sorry to be so overwhelmingly misunderstood – I believe that at the "Great White Throne" all people (believers and unbelievers) with exception of the small group of Overcomers, will be judged according to their deeds, so there is no way for the wicked one to escape just judgment of the Lord and his Body consisting of the overcomers. In that Day of the Lord those, who believed, but did not obtain first resurrection (lazy serwants) will be saved "yet as thru the fire" (apostle Paul), having received 1 to 40 lashes (Jesus' teaching about servants). The big question is – what will happen to unbelievers (who are also God's creation)? What will happen to them? Will they be tortured for eternity? This doctrine of eternal torment blasphemes God's holy Law. Study the Law, which never applies torture as the form of punishment or judgment.

  8. I don't think hated is the right word. But it should seem obvious that for a just and merciful God, torture for eternity is unjust. On so many levels it does hold up to sound doctrine. But I would bet most believe in an eternal torture, haven't searched out the subject in a meaningful way. Just do a word study on all the different words translated hell. Good luck…

  9. Please show us the word hell in the original languages of the Scriptures because it is not there.
    The original words used are Hades, Sheol or Gehennah.
    The words Hades and Sheol refer only to the pit or grave and have the meaning of annihilation while Gehennah speaks of the total destruction of the individual as anything thrown in to it was completely consumed.
    The preaching of hell is heretical and drives more people away from the Gospel then it ever draws them to it because Yeshua only preached the Gospel of the coming Kingdom of Yahuwah not hell fire and brimstone.
    When looked at from the original languages, the idea of life eternal or eternal annihilation are the center of the teachings and is the tenor of Scriptures right from the Garden of Eden.

  10. It is truly a shame that youtube comments are loaded too often with simple soundbites …

    The Lord Father is of course "not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance" (2 Peter 3:9) ; however, there is indeed a place for them who reject the offer of salvation. From the mouth of our beloved saviour Himself:

    Matthew 25:46, And these shall go away into everlasting punishment: but the righteous into life eternal.
    John 3:36, “He that believeth on the Son hath everlasting life: and he that believeth not the Son shall not see life; but the wrath of God abideth on him.”

    So, as a challenge to those who proclaim that “eternal punishment” does not mean “a punishment lasting forever”:
    Bring instances from the Bible in which the words “eternal punishment” are found but where the process is not forever… especially when written in context with eternal bliss …

    @ttistf – the reactions show how needed this message was. Stay on the path, don't let the church of Laodiceans disturb what you are doing (not that I think it would in any way affect you, but we all need encouragement on occasion)

    “The chief danger that confronts the coming century will be religion without the Holy Ghost, Christianity without Christ, forgiveness without repentance, salvation without regeneration, politics without God, heaven without hell.”
    General William Booth.

    When man stops persuading men to enter into eternity in the correct relationship with his Creator, man loses focus on eternity.
    When man stops praying constant in the Spirit, stops seeking the Lord with all his heart, stops contemplating the eternals on a daily basis, then his by nature finite mind is reduced to finite thinking, that is, a type of thinking that does not encompass eternity, a thinking without faith.

    Amos 4:12, “Therefore thus will I do unto thee, O Israel: and because I will do this unto thee, prepare to meet thy God, O Israel.”

    One God, one law, one element;
    And one far off, divine event
    To which the whole of creation moves.

  11. The concept of 'heaven or hell' is based upon the teaching system of reward or punishment, a practice which is fundamentally Torah…did Jesus teach Torah or did he fulfill it? Are we to preach the law of Moses or spread the good news of the Gospel of Christ?

    'Either you believe what Jesus taught, about everything (including Heaven/Hell) or you don't believe Him at all…'

    On the contrary, to believe this is what Jesus taught is to lack faith in Christ and make a mockery of God's perfect plan.

    'For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.' John 3:16

  12. Tell me something, TISTF, do you have children? If you do, could you castigate your child/children to eternal suffering for disobeying your teaching/rules? My guess is you could not. Nor, in my opinion, will our Heavenly Father. He may allow us to spend a time there (time-out, as w' children) to contemplate our decisions and ask/beg for forgiveness, but he will not damn us for all eternity in such a place. If anything, he'll just erase us from the book of Life. I refuse to believe that my Father in Heaven will allow me, his creation, to suffer for all eternity. YOu can promote this Hellfire shit if you want (frankly I am surprised that you are) but I will NOT be manipulated through fear of repercussion to accept Christ as my savior and Yehova as my creator…..I will do it out of LOVE and acceptance.

  13. And ALL PEOPLE will see God’s salvation.’ ”

    Luke 3:6 NIV

    Consequently, just as one trespass resulted in condemnation for ALL PEOPLE, so also one righteous act resulted in justification and life for ALL PEOPLE.

    Romans 5:18 NIV

    But Jesus would not entrust himself to them, for he KNEW ALL PEOPLE.

    John 2:24 NIV

    And I, when I am lifted up from the earth, will draw ALL PEOPLE to myself.”

    John 12:32 NIV

    This is good, and pleases God our Savior, who wants ALL PEOPLE to be saved and to come to a knowledge of the truth. For there is one God and one mediator between God and mankind, the man Christ Jesus, who gave himself as a ransom for ALL PEOPLE. This has NOW been WITNESSED to at the proper time.

    1 Timothy 2:3‭-‬6 NIV


  15. What a ride reading these comments have been. Holy spirit stirring things up. Isn't the Holy Spirit Jesus's voice? Isn't.the Bible God's word and Jesus is the word?
    One discussion made me think about choices.
    Did he have a choice?
    Did God make Jesus do it?
    Did Jesus just once struggle with this choice?
    Satan tempted him we know. Does that mean he had a choice or just a feeble attempt by Satan.
    He knew he was our only hope. He felt the weight and suffering as a man. I weeped as I watched Passion of Christ. what was done to him by men.
    What perfect love. To give ones life for anothers, for all humanity…
    For us, for me, how do I even begin to say thanks…

    Did Lucifer have a choice?

    On a smaller scale is it the same for us?

    I choose God and his Son and will do my best to Love my brethren even when it seems impossible. Some evil acts are so beyond me I need Jesus to do the reaping as I grow alongside the tare.

    What a wonderful thing to see so much passion for God and his Son tonight, what a beautiful site indeed.


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