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Music: Song: Game of Thrones
Artist: Rameses B
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  1. The "it was all a dream" theory will not come true. It's considered to be not creative, cheap and for many a way to end a story they have no ending for. It's also completely overdone. You see this a lot in cartoons and sitcoms (or similar fake out endings) and I remember this from a lot of kids books too. I doubt Martin puts so much time & effort into a complex story to be like "nah it was a dream"

  2. I made up the bran dreaming theory as a joke, but i think macumber could be real. Look at the intro, the world is concave, just like the inside of an eye. Maybe the raven's third eye is the eye of macumber, which is why bran sees everything that happened in it.

  3. I never understood why most people would be mad at plots that end in a dream. They say it's like if you wasted your time because nothing of it was real, but that's absurd! You already knew it was a fiction story, whether it was Asoiaf's plot or just Bran's dream, and you still have enjoyed a complex plot set in Westeros. Nothing would significantly change.

  4. doesnt the opening scroll of the show sort of seem like its on the inside of a sphere? with the sun in the center? it might just be the way im seeing it but it makes sense if the world inside the eye

  5. Maybe Bran gets the idea of white walkers from the deserter when he gets sentenced to death, gets pushed from the tower at the end of the episode and then dreams up the events including the white walkers making them become real in his dream because of the idea he gets? this wouldn't be a good ending but it is possible

  6. i would imagine if they were to do a blue eyed giant ending they would play some really dramatic music like Light Of The Seven or Trust Each Other (look them up in the GOT soundtrack). and it would just zoom out slowly showing the world. and that would go on for a bit then it would finally stop on the Giants eye and it would blink. then credits.

  7. Only a hack writer would think this is an acceptable end to a story. The "Wizard of Oz" trope is frowned upon and anyone with half a mind would never stoop so low. It's the kind of ending an unimaginative primary school student would "dream" up.

  8. The dream thing ? Th creators are smarter than that … they know that doing that would make every fan of the series Hate them , they would not trust them anymore , Ending such a series with an ending that lazy would be the shittiest move they could make .


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