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  1. “Water is one of the few exceptions to this behavior. When liquid water is cooled, it contracts like one would expect until a temperature of approximately 4 degrees Celsius is reached. After that, it expands slightly until it reaches the freezing point, and then when it freezes it expands by approximately 9%. “ —

    Again — not to beat this dead horse…but… People seem totally ignorant to this fact about water/ice. They assume that Viserion couldn't cause the wall to fall if he was an Ice Dragon. They assume therefore that Viserion is expelling blue FIRE. In fact, the Wall's temperature is very near to the freezing point, as the book points out when it speaks of it 'weeping'. And as I have said before, an Ice Dragon's cold breath is as cold as a Fire Dragon's breath is hot. It's EXCEPTIONALLY cold. So breathing that super-cold breath onto sections of the wall would cause it to RAPIDLY EXPAND — at a speed in direct proportion to the coldness of the breath. Ergo, Viserion would have caused precisely the damage we saw in GoT's most recent episode by breathing super-cold Ice Dragon breath onto it!!!

  2. An ice dragon breathing fire sounds like it was made for Jon ! Something really epic, unimaginable has to happen to equal both sides. Only then a battle makes sense. Clearly white walkers army is much stronger right. There gotta be something to equal it.

  3. I guess one thing that I’ve been curious about is with the holes in the wings and other damage to Viserion, could he be incapable of flying eventually? I assume that the holes in his wings will expand with time due to wind resistance while flying. Although that wouldn’t render him completely useless since he still has the blue flame, it would be somewhat of a hinderance to the Night King.

  4. Are the dragons non-gender? Asexual? In the movie "Alien", the mother was much larger. And was a parasite, living off their host. A "bond" or connection between rider and dragon. Are the direwolves non-gender? A "bond" or connection between owner and direwolf.

  5. I think V is more WW than just a mindless other as the NK physically touched him to bring him back much like he does top the babies he turns in WW. The mindless others are raised up by just a lift of his arms and some mind control im thinking. Just my thoughts 😉
    I still dk wtf that blue stuff is. Not fire not ice just magical rays of death? Lol 😓😭😓😭

  6. One question : If the Long Night is such a cataclysmic event , wouldn't it be plausible to see other tribes,people ,etc from the other parts of the world joining forces and coming to "help out " Jon Snow and his army ?

  7. I have Two Theory about how things end with both Dani and Jon and what roles they play in prophecy, 1.With Jon being the Azor Ahi(forgot spelling) and Dani being the Prince/Princess that was Promised, the later was gender neutral unlike the former. The two prophecies are being said as if they are one in the same, but what if they just take place at the same time; but are actually of two different people. 2. I think that both Dani and Jon die by the end of season 8 but Jon being Azor Ahi and the heir to the Iron Throne will Have a child with Dani that will become the Prince/Princess that was Promised.


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