An Interview with George R.R. Martin was recently posted on a Spanish Website and it has raised a lot of red flags about the validity of some of the things George allegedly said. If you have ever seen an Interview with George R.R. Martin then you would know he keeps his answers very vague but in this interview he seemed to be willing to shed some more light on some topics he typically wouldn’t. As far as I know the Interview has not been confirmed or denied by George but hopefully we can learn more about this in the coming days. In this Interview he talks about who will sit on the Iron Throne at the end. Whether or not he considers Jon Snow to be a hero, and he also discusses Sansa getting married. Plus he allegedly confirmed the Outline from his original story that he sent out back in 1993 is in fact his! This was very interesting to read nonetheless but you be the judge. What do you think about his answers? Let me know down below. Thanks for watching!

Images from Game of Thrones are property of their creators, used here under fair use.

GRRM Interview found here!

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  1. Jon would say that he isn't a hero.. Those answers are non answers, very political, like any author he isn't going to give much away, he wants you to read his next books.. I agree just because Dany has suffered some, doesn't mean she gets or deserves a reward. Notice he keeps saying that "Jon is dead…" He isn't going to reveal anything about what direction he is taking him in.. I also doubt in the books that Jon is going to stay dead, because I doubt that he let the television show bring him back to life, that would be too far afield of the books…

  2. I'm not going to lie, I've been bitterly disappointed with the end-game direction of Game of Thrones. 
     It does upset me when I think about what a waste this glorious story has become- what was the point of having all the twists, and secrets and prophecies, and to hype the series (book and show) to be known as a story that goes against the grain- if the story is going to have the same typical ending as all other fantasies?
    Has this whole song of ice and fire really just been about Jon and Dany having a f*&%4n kid? Just to continue to Targaryen line?? Is it really that basic???
    I know GRRM said that Jon and Dany aren't they central characters, but damn!!! did the show make them out to be. I'm not sure about the interview. Some answers are vague, in true GRRM style, some are blunt and straight to the point. I wouldn't be surprised if this all turned out to be legit.

  3. To be honest I don't think anyone will sit on the Iron Throne. In my opinion the show is setting its self up to end the historic houses.

    House Baratheon – Gendry won't be legitimize, he'll probably die but if he doesn't he'll probably finish his days as a blacksmith

    House Stark – Bran is the Three Eye Raven…; Arya never wanted to be a lady, she probably sail to see what's West of Westeros; Sansa will die, I honestly think she has nothing more to offer to the story; Jon will die a hero

    House Targaryen – Daenerys will die right along with Drogon; Jon will die a hero

    House Lannister – Cersei will die giving birth; Jamie will die saving someone else; Tyrion will probably survive but I doubt he'll want any part of Westeros after the war(s) he'll probably go end his days in Essos

    House Tarly – If Sam survives I'm pretty sure he'll go back to the Citadel

    House Tully – Edmure will die

  4. I have just seen an exclusive video from Frikidoctor and he claims pretty convincingly that the interview is not real. He has some issues with that person in the past and she seems not to be a journalist. I hope it clears things out. Take care everybody.

  5. Great stuff as always. I'm not with the incest angle BUT If George went that direction, I always thought it would be Jon with Arya, not Dany or Sansa. I like Jon but never understood why he should be the Alpha as far as the show/fans go.

  6. we deserve to see Jon on iron throne after 7 years of waiting otherwise i will be so pissed off if some dickhead who didnt done nothing in series sits on iron throne and whole show will fall in ratings with disappointing end

  7. I very seriously doubt this is authentic if for no other reason than GRRM is quoted as saying, "point of views" rather than, "points of view." He is too intelligent and too good a writer to phrase that incorrectly.

  8. I read the interview. Thanks for including the link. I must agree that a great deal has been lost in translation. In my opinion, the interview with George R. R. Martin, is authentic. Thus George replys candidly, and being deliberately vauge. I think a small hint was given about who survives, "the one that is hiding in the shadows." It seems George is telling us that, the very least person we believe, or even expect, will win 'the game.' That to me says, it will not be Jon or Daenarys nor any of the key characters to sit the throne. Even Sansa, ,Arya, Gendry and many of our favorites, although survives the battle, will not sit 'the throne.' I can't help to think it will be a much lesser character, we have not considered will be the chosen one. Again, I think the interview doesn't convince me it's 100%. It's up to us as 'G.R.R.M' said, we must read between the lines. No matter how many interviews are done, "The Man" will never let disclose any more than he wants us to know! After all Geroge, is a true master!

  9. From what I've read of the translated version, I doubt it's authentic. However, I was surprised that GRRM had told the ending to GOT. Obviously, for those of us that have devoured the books, we know that the story line isn't the same for the show, but it still was odd (I thought) to know that people will know the ending before the books have even come out. The one part that could be Martin's thinking was the question asked in this interview. He has made comments before that it shouldn't matter if you know the end because the way you get there is the important part. If I were his publicist, I probably wouldn't have been happy that he told GOT the ending when he has 2 more books to finish the story.


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