For everyone wondering: no, statues are not a good sign in the “Game of Thrones” universe.

So far, the statues we have seen on the show (Lyanna’s and Ned’s in the Winterfell crypts) have served as symbols for people who are extremely dead. So after a new “Game of Thrones” final season teaser, which announced the Season 8 premiere date of April 14, 2019, featured Jon (Kit Harington), Arya (Maisie Williams) and Sansa (Sophie Turner) looking at statues of themselves in the Winterfell crypts as an icy, White Walker-like cold rolls in, it would be understandable if fans started to panic.

Turner actually teased the promo months ago during an interview/panel with EW at New York Comic-Con. In a discussion about the items cast members took home from set, Turner brought up a particular treasure she wanted from this promo ―  and she made it clear she was mentioning it because it has “nothing to do with the series.” 

“It’s like this big kind of statue of me, of Sansa, and I wanted to have it in the garden of my new house,” she said in the interview. 

Just mentioning the statue in the interview, however, caused fans to speculate about Sansa’s possible death, but their concern is probably for naught.

Perhaps Sansa dies in Season 8. Perhaps she doesn’t. But the bottom line is that this promo isn’t an indicator either way. It’s just a promo to remind us that the show is back in April. Winter is almost here.



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