EVIDENCE AGAINST: he screamed “no! no! no!” and Benjen told Bran that the WW are created the same way he was (with dragonglass). So that begs the question, are Craster’s babies an entirely different species, chilling up in a community in the Lands of Always Winter?

The Night King is the original Azor Ahai or The Last Hero … at least, that’s what I think today. My opinions on ASOIAF and GoT are all over the place lately

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  1. you said Children mistook the Bran's vision for night king as that of the white walkers'. Your theory has a lot of holes in it from shows perspective. Benjen told Bran that he was saved the same way the walkers were made. When Bran says "Dragon Glass" , Benjen says yes and confirms the same saying it's as Bran has seen it !
    Plus I don't think night king is Azor Ahai. If the Night King's creation was done in pursuance to a pact, a peace pact between humans and children, then ought other humans not be present during such creation. Moreover, the man looks scared as shit before the Dragon Glass is plunged into his heart. As if he was taken forcefully. I believe the Night King was the first White Walker. White Walkers are magical beings, just that it doesn't involve abadacadabra. When Dany's dragons were born, magic was reborn again. Many things indicated the strengthening of magic , like the house of undying and the necromancers spells working faster whilst preparing wild fire. Maybe it's the birth of fire(dragons) that lead to the rise of ice(night king and his army).

  2. You said the Night King became the Night King to control the White Walkers. You said he is Azor Ahai, a hero- whatever. But if that were so, and he was down with the children's plan, why was he struggling and screaming "no" when dragon glass was pushed into his chest? I think it's more believable that he was taken by force, made into the Night King with the ability to magically create White Walkers on his own, unless the children pushed dragon glass into a lot of humans one by one. I think his power to raise undead and create baby White Walkers is because of what was put in his chest, or else it wouldn't be notable by literally pushing a giant thing into a guys chest.

  3. I think they will put canisters of WILD FIRE on dragons and do some old skool WWII bombarding style war. NK is gone and his army aswell, and the undead dragon will somewhow disappear (dunno maybe they will use some balistas with dragonglass).

  4. Wow… That's the teory and now it all makes sense. And let me say this: on the expedition to the North someone pointed out that you might kill the NK in order to kill all the Wight Walkers. So maybe we might expect Jon duelling with the NK at the very end (and as someone already said below in the comments having to thake his place as NK/Azor Ahai.) And secondly in many episodes of the 7th season "the stab in Jon's heart" was mentioned for apparently no reasons. Is that a hint? Can't wait to descover it. 😉

  5. I think if the Night King could be 'caught off guard' Wildfire could kill him. I say this because unlike Dany, he can't walk THRU fire. He somehow pushes it aside. If it could not hurt him, why not just walk thru it? I think if he makes it to King's Landing and Cersi is on her game… she could blow him up by setting off the Wildfire under King's landing. I know, she'll kill everyone… but it may be left to her to stop this thing, if our cast can't.

  6. I believe you are correct in classifying them into 3 groups. The Night King obviously turns infants into aging and growing undead like beings. The Night King raises the dead and creates "wrights". It seems to me the Generals, which can only be made from infants, are controlling the wrights like puppets. The wrights fall in respect to their commanding general. I also believe the Night King, the generals and the wrights share the same aversions ( fire, Valeria steel and obsidian) solely because of the properties comprising the inserted piece of magical dragon glass in the Night King's chest; as it both gives him his gifts and banes. The Wrights, the weakest, are defeated with the simplest of application of these banes, where as the Night King's strength against these components might be more substantial up to or including invulnerability. A gust of arctic wind, which might be tied into more of the Night King's abilities, all but extinguished the dragon flames on the terrain as he stepped over them.

    Regardless of the truth to any of these theories, the series has me intellectually and emotionally vested. I love shows like this. Thank-you HBO!

  7. hes the Night King, like George said Azor ahai went north to find the children and use their magic to stop them, theoretically they weren't suppose to come back until bran turned into the Night King and lost controll, and so therefor thats why they're marching South, Theoretically speaking you cant kill the Night king with Valyrian Steel, or Dragonglass, and if Bran trully is the Night, then you'll have to kill Bran which will kill and destroy the White Walkers, forever

  8. I like this theory because it could be the key to that bitter sweet ending George was talking about. Say team Starkgyrian puts all their energy into killing the NK. Because they think it would stop the rest of them. But when the NK dies the walkers and weights don't stop. So Jon has to become the new NK to end the war.

  9. I know the show it's a lot different from the books when it comes to the Others but would this theory hold up in the books as well, even partially? Or do you think it's story adaptation that works well on tv alone?

  10. It seems to me that the Night King is either something that was and will complete himself with some sort of circle or balance, therefore he is either Brann or Jon would kill him sacrifice himself or both. The future and past must be brought into balance.


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