This was a rough night for our heroes. Jon Snow and his SEAL Team Six went north of the Wall in search of a wight to bring back to King’s Landing, the better to prove to Cersei Lannister that the threat of the army of the dead is real. Things took a turn when that same army chased most of the group onto a frozen island in the middle of a lake. Only Gendry, tasked with running back to Eastwatch and sending a message to Daenerys, got away.

Dany got the message, flew her dragons to where the group was trapped near a mountain shaped like an arrowhead, and lit the army of the dead up something fierce:

Things were going pretty well until the Night King, who has Olympic prowess we’d not heard of, took up an ice javelin and launched it at Viserion, bringing the dragon down with one hit.

Dany was, appropriately, horrified, and flew her other two dragons out of there before they could meet the same fate. But later, at episode’s end, the Night King revealed he wasn’t quite done with Viserion. His wights dragged the dragon’s body out of the lake into which it had fell. The Night King laid hands on the dead beasts, and its eyes opened again, blue with menace.

So the Night King now has his own dragon. This is bad news for our heroes. It’s good news for viewers at home, though, because the prospect of a dragon fighting a dragon is pretty great.

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