Check out my Game of Thrones Season 7 Theory “The Night King’s Home Revealed”.

I breakdown clues from The Night King’s Sigil and The Hound vision in the flames from SE7 EP1 as I try to solve the mystery about where does the Night King live.

What does the Night King’s Sigil mean? I’ve done many Night King Theories on this channel but it is the first time I’ve discussed these areas.

Make sure you check out the other Game of Thrones theories on my channel, and for daily videos during Season 7 make sure you’re subscribed to Game of Theories.



  1. I don't know if we'll see the Night Fort in the show, maybe… but it's unlikely. GRRM has stated that the Night Fort is located deep within the unmapped north, in wasteland so cold they make Antarctica look like a Caribbean beach. For Jon (for example) to go there would be like someone in our world walking through Chernobyl naked, he'd just die. It's impossible to get there if you're not a White Walker (or The Great Other, whoever/whatever it is, but it won't appear in the show).

  2. I wondered if the night king is the 3 eyed raven. Bran is the new 3 eyed raven and that's why the night king now looks different as it's now bran. Bran has been exposed to the children of the forest. Bit far-fetched I know.

  3. Wow. I can't believe you guys are not seeing it. The Night King's own sigil is not a stylized this or that. It's a realistic depiction of a tower, seen from slightly below, set in a device (the outer shape of the physical sigil) which suggests moving downwards. Now who do we know whose plot arc started with falling from a tower? An individual who is consistently portrayed in reference to archery in the first part of his story? Likely D&D rly did time-loop Bran.

    GRRM likely time looped him, too, but there is no Night King in the books. Bran likely pops up again and again as a hero: Bran the Builder, the (technically actually unnamed) Stark who killed The Night's King (not the same character, and who was the brother of the Stark who killed him), etc. GRRM playing a long game w/Bran.

  4. The zombies are walkers.
    The white walkers are the leaders.
    They're different looking because they were transformed when they were babies.
    There's a lot of them because Craster had a lot of boys since he had like 20-30 girls.
    All of them look like Craster a little. Balding and all.

  5. The mountain the hound was talking about was where they ran into the white walkers there was a mountain that looked like an arrowhead man u were way off. An to me that whole outfit the nite king wears reminds me of the unsullied armor.

  6. Now that I've seen the sixth episode, you are absolutely right- the symbol on the armor is actually a picture of the mountain….Gosh, if they've had that the whole series, what other clues are we missing!? Good eye!!

  7. As fars the theory of Night Walkers passing down their, "King" or titles or what not, the Actor who played the human being knifed/glassed in the chest by the Children of The Forest is the same actor who is playing the Night King now so….IMDB research could have told you that and it would have saved you a good 45 Minutes in editing the Hook scene.

  8. The Nk Insignia could represent Dragonglass which created him and the arrowhead being the mountain ie location of his birth. so maybe thats why the ww only have the mountain and not the downward Dragonglass aswell.

  9. It also shows that same mountain during Bran's vision of when the Children of the Forest created the Night King. They created him just below the mountain, and it appeared to be sunny and green when they did. So that answers one big question. It is the White Walkers who lead the winter. Not the other way around.

  10. The Night King is your favorite character? Been a long series for you then. Also why the fuck are you using a character name like you would for world of warcraft. Im sure your name is bobby or steven or some such bullshit.

  11. The arrow is the arrowhead mountain where he was born in Bran's vision. I'm not sure if the alter is in the same place.? It's the place Leaf sacrificed the Night king at the tree. Check Bran's vision on that and then the mountain in season 7 episode 6. Same place

  12. What the hound saw, this "mountain in the shape of an arrowhead" is actually where the Night King was created, You can see the mountain in the background in Brans vision. It's a place north of the wall, Before it was the land of always winter. It is where The Seven end up encountering the Night King and his army in S7 E6!

  13. If you watch the scene where the night king is created it's fairly obvious. The dragon glass shoved into his heart resembles an arrowhead. The symbol refers to what gave birth to the king/white walkers. He's adopted it


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