In this video I will reveal the identity of the Night King in Game of Thrones. In this Night King Theory I will discuss Bran’s vision of the Children of the Forest, and explain what really happened while also revealing the true identity of the Night King. I will reveal what happened to The Last hero of Northern Legend, and discuss his connection to the Others and the White Walkers. This White Walker Theory will also include discussion on how they were defeated the first time, and how they may be defeated again



  1. I think you're on to something. I remember something like this flashed in my mind as Allister Thorne said his last words to Jon before Jon had him hung. Allister said that Jon would be fighting people's fights for them forever seeing as how Jon could be brought back as often as needed. But there, I was thinking that Jon would somehow become an immortal powerful enough to be an equal opposing match to the Night King instead of replacing the Night King himself. But why would they need to replace the Night King instead just killing him?
    We'd all have better answers for this if the showrunners actually used Bran's powers better. Seems to me that Bran has barely doing anything more other than just keep tabs on the strategic location of the Night King, all of which could have been done by someone using a telescope. Considering that Bran has access to the past of the world before even history started, this is a huge waste. Bran should know about dragonglass. He should know how the Night King was stopped the last time and how to do it again. He did finally bring justice to Littlefinger, but that's about it. In fact, before Sam arrived, Bran's big reveal for Jon was that Jon was a Sand, not a Snow. Such a waste of the 3 eyed raven's powers. I can say the same about Sam's trip to the Citadel. Sure, he cured Jorah, but after all that reading, his biggest information grab was Dragonstone has dragonglass, something that was already known from Stannis. Nothing about the building of the Wall, Winterfell, etc. Nothing about the legends of the Night King, Azor Ahai, Lightbringer, etc. Even worse, it took BOTH Bran and Sam to figure out that Jon's real name and that he's the legitimate King of the throne. Seems to me, that the showrunners put too many resources on things we all could've readily guessed from from past seasons; Dragonstone can be mined for dragonglass, Jon Snow is the rightful king. While in the meantime, the characters are focused on defeating the Night King and yet no one knows anything more about him or defeating him, other than just amassing forces. Unless of course, information about Jon Snow being the rightful king is the key to stopping the Night King. Stopping the Night King could be as easy as letting Jon Snow be fire sacrificed to the God of Light, since his blood will have the strongest magic. Or, as the showrunners are telegraphing, letting the newly conceived heir, Jon's child through Danny, be fire sacrificed. Then after the Night King is dealt with, all they have to do is fight Cersie and Euron. I swear…if Euron becomes the final boss, I'll be upset. And where do the Swords Oathkeeper and Widow's Wail come in all of this since the showrunners felt it important for us to know who has those swords at all times this season?


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