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The Beyond the Wall was met with harsh reviews from both book and casual fans alike due to some of the weird decisions made by the characters and show runners….but were these decisions intentional? Did the Night King actually lure Dany out there to capture her dragon?

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Game of Thrones is an American fantasy drama television series created for HBO by David Benioff and D. B. Weiss. Based on the fantasy novel series, A Song of Ice and Fire by George R.R. Martin. A Game of Thrones is one of the most successful television series to ever made and continues to captivate audiences all over the world. The series is set on the fictional continents of Westeros and Essos, and interweaves several plot lines with a large ensemble cast. The first narrative arc follows a civil war among several noble houses for the Iron Throne of the Seven Kingdoms; the second covers the attempts to reclaim the throne by the exiled last scion of the realm’s deposed ruling dynasty; the third chronicles the rising threat of the impending winter and the legendary creatures and fierce peoples of the North. Dance of The Dragons. Stannis Baratheon and Melisandre, Shireen, Lady Stoneheart, Sansa Stark and Daenerys Targaryen, Jon Snow, Olly, Samwell, For The Watch, stream, HBO. reaction. dies hodor hold the door white walkers origins children of the forest Game of Thrones Season 7 Trailer, Game of Thrones Season 7 Trailer Review, Game of Thrones Season 7 Trailer Reaction, Game of Thrones Season 7 Trailer Breakdown, Game of Thrones Season 7 Trailer Analysis, Game of Thrones Season 7 Trailer Explained, Game of Thrones Season 7 Teaser Game of Thrones Season 7 Episode 1 Game of Thrones Season 7 Episode 2 Game of Thrones Season 7 Episode 3 Game of Thrones Season 7 Episode 4 Preview Breakdown stream Review Euron Greyjoy Sand Snakes Yara ame of thrones season 7 episode 6, game of thrones season 7 episode 6 breakdown, game of thrones season 7 episode 7 analysis, game of thrones season 7 episode 7 review, game of thrones season 7 episode 7 explained



  1. I'm unsure of the whole "dragon trap" theory. The Night King has had thousands of years to acquire a dragon, with the exception of the last 150 years of the story prior to Dany's dragons. Why now?

  2. On a separate note, I just rewatched the first three episodes and Jojen very clearly pointed out that Bran has been the only person who has ever been able to warg into another human. He also said that Bran is the only one who can stop the Night King. This is the one thing Bloodraven could not do, or he would have defeated the Night King himself. This was the power the three eyed Raven needed in order to defeat the Night King. I believe the Sadness of the Hodor timelopp warg overshadowed that it was purposeful. The three eyed Raven wanted to show Bran what his warging into human powers could do. Willis was not simple minded. Put all of that together, and the Night King will likely be defeated by Bran going back into time when the children first created the Night King, warg into him while he is still tied to the tree to control present day Night King to stop him. Rather than scrambling the .Night Kings brain like Hodor, it likely transferred the three eyed raven's greensight. This would explain why there is a connection, almost rivalry, between the Night King and the present incarnation of the three eyed Raven, currently Bran. It would also explain why Bran can't just warg into him in the present. The Night King likely "met" him when he was created and could see him after he gained greensight. I don't think this means Bran has been the Night King all this time anymore than he was Willis the whole time. On the other hand, the bittersweet ending may be that after the Night King is controlled through the timeloop, Bran may die and permanently enter the Night King's body to end the war like the wildling entered his eagle and The three eyed Raven entered Bran. Then Sansa, Jon and Arya can have their brother, the Night King, over for dinner and holidays and there will be peace for evermore and no more need for a wall. And Bran Night King might be the actual Lord of Light. He could spend eternity having visions, except for holidays, of course.

  3. One note about your video, Bran, Bloodraven and the three eyed Raven are three distinct entities. Bloodraven was the three eyed Raven, now Bran is the three eyed Raven. Bran is not necessarily Bloodraven. It isn't clear if there were other incarnations of the three eyed Raven before Bloodraven, but we would guess this is the case because he said he was watching for thousands of years. The three eyed Raven may have been watching for thousands of years, not necessarily Bloodraven.This is important because Bran is no longer just Bran, he has absorbed all of the memories and visions of all three eyed Raven before him. And greensight is not omniscience as Bran showed when he didn't know Rheagar and Lyanna had wed. Access to memories of events is not the same thing as omniscience. The Night King is not omniscient either or he would have warned his generals so they could avoid being killed.

  4. As for what the Night King wants, I posted this elsewhere.

    I know this is a theory that's being dissed a lot, but what about the possibility of Bran as the Night King.

    Imagine that, in this last battle, in a desperate attempt, Bran tries to warg back in time to the Night King, to explain to the Children what will happen if they change him. But the Children think he's crazy and they do it anyways. When they stab the Night King with dragonglass, the magic also binds Bran's soul into the Night King, and present-Bran dies.

    Then, Night King in the past truly understands Blood Raven's words: that the "ink is dry".

    Everything the Night King does from then on, including going away for a while, is to lead up to this moment when "he" "becomes". i.e. that's why the Night King has waited so long. And that's why he's coming now: to be made.

    That would close the "time-loop": it would explain how the Night King knew where to find Bran, why the Night King would set a Dragon trap, and so on.

    At least as I understand it, Weirwood nets allow you to see the past and present: but not the future.

    Since Bran is a greenseer and a warg, to me this means exactly that: he can see the past and present but not future: Same with the Night King. Just that, once "created", he can't change anything until the moment of his "creation". He has to become before he chooses to not do something.

    Does that make sense? I feel like many parts of the show foreshadow this happening.

  5. RE: why one wight didn't die: I do believe that wights are linked to specific White Walkers in order to allow each WW control over a specific horde, and increase the chances of success in battles: and then it would make sense that you put one wight controlled by another WW in each group as battle strategy, so that in case the groups are split up and one is attacked, the one wight that's not linked will be able to "signal" his WW to come to their aid.

  6. [SPOILERS FOR SEASON 7, fyi ]
    As convoluted as this theory is, it would explain why the Night King waited so long to attack. He clearly needed a dragon to get beyond the wall. He also probably knew that Jon & co. were coming because of his link to Bran. When Bran saw him with the ravens, the Night King also saw Bran. So…

    Running with this, the Night King is WAY more skilled a Greenseer than Bran; maybe not more powerful, but way more experienced. He also almost certainly knows that dragons exist again. That might be the reason he decided to make winter come again; he needed a dragon to break the Wall. But did the Night King know about Jon's alliance with Danny? Did he know that Danny would rescue Jon? It's a bit of a stretch… but actually not really, because magic. Seriously ancient magic.

    Greenseers know whatever they want to know, as we saw when Bran saw Reagar's wedding. He didn't know before Sam said it, but when he wanted to know, BAM! MAGIC! and Bran knew the thing. So, if the Night King was watching Danny because of her dragons and Bran because of his Greensight, then he'd know a hell of a lot about Jon, including his alliance with Danny. Maybe also know that Danny would save Jon, which would give him access to a dragon.

    As for the motivations of the Night King… that's another rant, so I'll leave my theory in the comments.

  7. 1. Not confirmed Bran that Bran can see future event. He's only said (and demonstrated) he can see the past and what is happening now in other places.

    2. For everything he can/does see, "the past is already written, the ink is dry." Bran can't change outcomes, everything is already pre-determined fate in GoT. Hodor was a tragic example of that…

  8. I think everything is being WAAAY over-analyzed these days. but, that's comes with youtube. there's money to be made with views, so make videos on popular things which will get to the masses. but all this "theorizing" and "over-analyzing" truly takes away from just enjoying a show and enjoying it for what it is, entertainment. each episode shouldn't feel like friggin homework afterward.

  9. I think you are giving way too much credit to the night king. There is no master plan. He just got lucky with that spear. He's gonna get fried on his dragon by the two other dragons, and then his whole army is gonna collapse. Game over. This guy is all hype. You will see. I bet you he even gets fried half-way through season 8, so they can get back to the iron throne contest for the ending.

  10. he could have killed both dragons, hell, all three. plus all his most powerful enemies right there on that rock. you explain this by suggesting he maybe wanted them to escape to gather all together for later. that's simply silly and grasping at "theories". kill everyone WHEN the opportunity presents itself.

  11. but, why the F would he have killed the dragon into the stupid lake. which then created a shit-ton of work to get it back out. if it was all an elaborate plan, and so carefully scripted, then surely he would have just killed it over land and saves that very shit-ton of work.

  12. Great theory on the Night King. The Episode 07 suddenly makes sense LOL Although I don't believe D&D even had that in mind. If they hadn't I sure hope they're picking fan theoris and incorporating them in their writing, so at least Season 8 will make Season 7 make a bit more sense XD


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