Let’s talk about the North Part 1: the Dawn Age & the Coming of the First Men.


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Love Game of Thrones artwork? Check out these amazing artists!
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o A Game of Thrones, Bantam Books, 1996
o A Clash of Kings, Bantam Books, 1999
o A Storm of Swords, Bantam Books, 2000
o A Feast for Crows, Bantam Books, 2005
o A Dance with Dragons, Bantam Books, 2011
• World of Ice and Fire (with Elio M. García, Jr., and Linda Antonsson) Bantam, 2014
-Game of Thrones and Philosophy: Logic Cuts Deeper Than Swords Henry Jacoby 2012
-Beyond the Wall: Exploring George R. R. Martin’s A Song of Ice and Fire, From A Game of Thrones to A Dance with Dragons James Lowder 2012
-Winning the Game of Thrones: The Host of Characters and their Agendas Valerie Estelle Frankel 2013
-Artwork from Game of Thrones and ASOIAF wiki pages, A World of Fire and Ice
***If I ever miss crediting you, let me know!*****



  1. 4:33
    well since the measters are all in on an anti magic conpiracy they tend to kick magic out of everything. So yeah lets go with the magic one since the measters tell us Giants and the Children are simpley stories which we all no is a down right lie since we saw when Bran met them and we have also seen the Giants so yeah plenty of reasons to ignore the measters here

  2. The North shit me to tears. You build a big fuck off wall, you make 13~ castles and then the dip shits forget the purpose of the Night Watch, they think wildlings are the great other. Fucking 13 castles, the north remembers? My ass.

  3. You know considering how George Martin is an Atheist he really puts in alot of moments where the maesters who have the same attitude of explaining away fairy tales and myths are actually wrong in his books. I think its because he wants to keep the spirit of imagination alive and inspire others that maybe there's more to the world than we think. Thats how I interpret it anyway

  4. i was on asoiaf boards and i seen a post by "Ragnorak". He posted a theory about Jon being king of the free folk and Jon doesn't not even know it. He then posted a conversation between Jon & Ygritte talking about Jons mother and how the Starks & Free folk are related. You probably already heard about this but i was wondering if you might be interested in a making a video about it.

  5. Damn Girl …great video. Only thing I can fault you for is wanting more info. Really wet the appetite for ASOIAF. Funny how it's not even real history, and look how we treat it. I'm really turned on to the idea -of elemental thematics being key to this world. Water being the lynchpin for the Children without Forest Parents. As BarTube pointed out; underground rivers and bottomless wells and pools found in interesting places. Perhaps this is how Weirwood roots are connected.

  6. Somehow missed this video but quickly remedied that!! You have become my favorite source of 'Song' info. Love how well narrated, edited, and informed your videos are!!! Keep it up, please;)


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