Is there a Grand Northern Conspiracy to restore the Starks to power? Is there a plot in Winterfell against the Boltons? Is Stoneheart working with Maege Mormont, Galbart Glover, and Howland Reed? Will Jon Snow be King in the North in the books?

This video contains spoilers for the Game of Thrones books and show, including preview TWOW chapters.


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Special thanks to:
Lady Gwynhyfvar and Yolkboy at Radio Westeros:
Nina Friel at

References / further reading:
Radio Westeros:
Lady Gwynhyfvar:
Nina Friel:
Bran Vras:
Preston Jacobs:

Thanks to the following Patrons: Jason A. Diegmueller, Reverend Xandria, @MrFifaSA, Cameron Weiss, @Vineyarddawg, Eric Louis-Dreyfus, Jason Pan, Jason Rattray, Cynbobby Joe, Kate Lyons, Ryan Steele, Michael Appell, Artorias Stark, David Howe, Fallon Mail, Cregg Riley, Sean Ludtke, Todd Marcus, Chris Cole, Moiraine Sedai, Jake Burling, Chris Amolsch, Matthew Elisha Williams, Fred Petty



  1. I have a different theory, it's not a conspiracy. See while being honorable makes you open to betrayal, it also inspires true loyalty beyond the grave, betraying a honest and honorable man tends to infuriate to the point of suicidal rage to those who held him in such regard. Ned's honor might have been the death of him, but it will be the savior of his house.

  2. A (far fetched) thought about Stannis: It's stressed time and again that Stannis is this honorable unbending man who actually doesn't want to be king, but fights for it, because he believes he is the rightful heir. And because Melisandre kind of convinced him that he is Azor Ahai. If it was to turn out that Jon is both – the rightful heir to the iron throne AND Azor Ahai … is there a chance that Stannis would support him? Because honour and legitimacy and stuff. It doesn't sound like anything a man would do that far into a war, but then … it's Stannis. And he's also in the north, wandering about with an army. And accepting a proven claim on the throne over his own, would be exactly what Renly denied to do.

  3. Even if Catelyn doesn't know about Jon's parentage, it's possible that she would still want to see Rob's will through. At this point, she seems to be driven by her hatred for the Freys and Boltons. Her dislike for Jon might not even matter anymore, as long as that means that Rob is avenged and his kingdom restored.

  4. I have literally read each book probably 6 to 10 times a piece. Thought I understood everything, for the most part. thought I had a good grasp what was what and then I come across things like this that just blow my mind. I had no clue the four snowman were supposed to represent the four Lords in on the conspiracy!

  5. What I hate what the show did was that Roose kept warning Ramsay about his actions and that if he acquired a reputation as a mad dog, he'll be treated as mad dog.. Suggesting the northmen will turn on Ramsay on some point or at least they might be plotting against him. However nothing came of this.. Ramsay instead defeated Stannis and then got the support of Umbers..

  6. Is their a curse for when a stark goes south? Roberts rebellion: a father a mother and a son die (rickard Brandon lyanna)
    War of 5 kings: Ned goes south (a father) dies. Robb goes south he (a son) dies. Catelyn (a mother

    This season Jon went south… viserion (one of dany's "children" dies)…

  7. Also, at the time Jon is named heir to the Crown of the North isn't he a sworn member of the Night's Watch? He cannot inherit anything. Of course if he really dies and resurected he fulfills his oath and basically can do the same as in the TV series

  8. Watching your channel for the first time. Bridge4 and some of his fans recommended. I am HIGHLY impressed with you. Thank you for doing an amazing job. Waaaaay too many channels on YT are half-assing Game of Thrones. It's nice to come to a channel where the theorist is paying attention.

  9. In the show I would've liked the Umbers to turn on Ramsay. It seemed too good to be true for Ramsay when Rickon was just delivered to him, I thought that the Umbers were going to trick them at the end – it would have been a better pay off than having the Vale ride in without Sansa telling Jon about them, making more sense in the long run and showing that the North remembers.

  10. You've done an excellent job! I would like to hear your thoughts on the Pink Letter!
    I've only one perplexity: Barbrey Dustin seems to hate the Stark in general and particularly Ned Stark: why should she join the plot of Manderly? She seems to be loyal to Roose Bolton. Or at least she seems to get along with him more than any other lord.

  11. They are all conspiring of their own accord to make sure that there is always a Stark in Winterfell. They say "there must always a be a Stark in Winterfell" so often it must be linked to some kind of prophecy about the wall or something.

  12. Oh my god thank fuck you are a person that backs up what you say with quotes and actual evidence. I have see so many people that just come up with crackpot ideas and don't back it up at all.

  13. I love these video and believed the books are way more rich with story and detail but damn some of your book lovers have a hard one for just shitting on the show and say how it's changed since it deviated from the books but the so called reasons why have been in the show even when it followed the books but because your books are so precious everything else is trash and sloppy and for those who say it's more of a Hollywood approach you do know like the bad guys didn't just always win and good guys lost in real life e who,e point of the books was to show that people die on both sides there's people we like and hate on both and that a man can't get out of a 1 v 20 fight just because he's the main character but that doesn't mean good guys can't win in the end

  14. I understand the show having to cutting this treasure trove of plot points for the for the much shorter and to the point story during season 6, but did they have to kill off Greatjon and the other survivors? It would be so much more interesting if they were alive.

  15. …and Pepperidge Farm remembers. These are well put together videos. It's almost like you spend more time thinking about GoT than Martin himself does. Maybe you ARE Martin using a voice changing device. Is Alt-Shift-X really George R.R. Martin? Conspiracy! Seriously, it's amazing how you have all this in your head and can put it all together so quickly. I know this one is five months old and so I'm more referring to the episode reviews.


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