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Welcome to this Wisecrack Edition on Attack on Titan, where we explore the surprising political ideology of the society within the walls. Is it possible that in this dystopian society a controversial philosophy from a Nazi theorist, Carl Schmitt, may be the only thing keeping the fabric of society from collapsing? Or is that just what those in power want citizens to believe?

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Written by: Matt Reichle
Narrated by: Jared Bauer
Directed by: Camille Lecoq and Jared Bauer
Edited by: Sean Rowe
Assistant Editor: Andrew Nishimura, Tobiah Richkind
Motion Graphics by: Drew Levin
Produced by: Jacob Salamon

© 2017 Wisecrack, Inc.



  1. The thing with the Enemy is total Bullshit. I live in Switzerland, a country that hasn't been to war for Centuries and has always only protected, never attacked. But Switzerland is according to WEF one of the best countries to live in because there is so few crime and people greet each other on the streets and are not completely distant. Same goes for all Scandinavian countries.

  2. If there is no equality how can democracy be the answer? Liberalism, Humanism and Democracy are building upon the idea of every individual as equal. But doesn't Einsteins meaning on who is to be President have more weight than the meaning of a farmer that doesn't give a shit about politics? And if so, how could we defy such inequality? And wouldn't this be communism or Aristrocacy?

  3. It's like Maoyuu Maou Yuusha but you have to explain it were as Maoyuu Maou Yuusha explains it self. P.S haven't finished watching it yet so if not completely true don't bite my head off.

  4. Hitler had at least a final solution for the endless wars of humanity "Die Endlösung", but Honestly Carl Schmitt sounds to me more like the endless war machinery of the US and its desperate need for overblown, inhumane enemies. "Slavers" during the civil war, Nazis, communists, terrorists and so on.

    Seems like most cultures on this planet don't believe in a peaceful solution for our future.

  5. There are other humans outside the walls, the place Eren is at is a separate island from the rest of the world where the country of Marley dumps the people of Eldians into that island and turn them into titans. It's where Bertholdt, Annie, and Reiner are from and is why they call themselves warriors; and have no choice but to do these horrific things all in order to make sure their family is safe back home in Marley and are entitled a better lifestyle if they succeed in their mission.

  6. Note: Reading this may break your remaining humanity. So unless you want to become a soulless shadow of yourself: don't

    equallity didn't exist? Of course Schmitt think like that he a bloody Nazi. They are to self-important to accept the absolute truth: in the eye of the trillion years old Universe and history we are practically worth nothing. We are all a speck of insignificant zero in the endless depth of primordial chaos and eventual heated death of existence. In the eye of the Universe (heaven) that so call sovereign only worth 1*10^-1000 more than us and that is practically nothing. Money, class and reputation didn't make you immune to bullet we all are going to die.

    All is equal in value because all is pointless. We all worth nothing. Pre-ordain by the work function of atom, rule by pre-ordain indoctrination with no free will and will affect nothing in the grand scheme. Our race and history are fated to die. Nothing can change that.

    So what give a speck of insignificance the right to judge which dust particle live or die. Everyone of those particles although insignificant only exist once. They are all unique but equal. So there are no point lording over it. We are all sharing the same boat it depend on who is lucky enough to sleep first (living is a pain after all). There are no reason for it. Even if you get a stability for a measly three millennium it will still worth nothing because you barely able to preserve the human race to the 1% age of the Universe. The effort and those death worth nearly zero. So why care? The fight will never end. Isn't that a good thing…we got to enjoy it. Since the enemy are going to keep coming let continue knocking them down. It a free for all and a last party. You can't escape conflict so enjoy it. The enemy keep rising. Good! Let simulate them we are all going to die so at least make em'laugh. Threw a paint all over them. Make them into cartoon and put them into a clown suit. They like us are also zero. If we end up fighting each then don't be sad…we are all going to die anyway. You don't have to worry.

    So screw Smith. His philosophy is base on the fact that inequity is inevitable. Now that all human are equal to zero the basis of his idea is false and the rest that follow that premise are now unsound.

    But I will tell one thing since all are fated to die shouldn't the race that freakin' compromise on there honor and sent there people to die go faster. The race as the whole are already worth nothing struggling while compromise the little thing that make them worth more than a vacuum of space is basically make them worse than nothing.

  7. It was initially pro nationalism and pro military (japanese dominant ideology) but it turned into a basic nihilistic allegory of the human condition (no good no evil, you become titan etc…) why? because money, netflix, crunchyroll

  8. Spoiler for people past what is in the basement.

    Armin gets the colossal titan ability, after killing Armin off. BAD story telling. for me anyways :p
    Better choice then Irwin, definitely. But they gave Armin such a beautiful sad death scene, it was a shame to ruin it by bringing him back.

    They actually embrace the satire later on and make it blatant-all Titans, even the mindless ones, are the result of powers similar to Eren's going out of control. Originally, they were part of an ethnic group, the Subjects of Ymir, who had the ability to summon them as sort of biological mecha suit. The Titans attacking the Walls are political enemies of Marley, the current ruling state of the mainland where most of them live that were effectively lobotomized and thrown to an island to get out of their hair. And yeah, pretty much everyone's horrified upon realizing the majority of Titans are just a bunch of madmen who have lost the ability to tell right from wrong (the majority-we're introduced to Subjects who can shift back and forth between Titan form)-not the least because it completely undercuts the idea of the city being the last safe place on Earth (by definition they're a bunch of poor saps stuck in a glorified prison colony) and forces them to ask some difficult moral questions about the humanity of the Titans since, well, they're victims too.

  10. Seems like Schmitt was right. We went from Jews being the enemy, to Communists being the enemy, to Islamic Terrorism being the enemy. Not only that, but people become more nationalistic based on these external enemies, Nazism was a response to the "Jewish" threat, you had Mcarthyism as a response to Communism, and now the Alt-Right against Islamism.

  11. What a world we live in that we can't discuss philosophers without acknowledging how we don't agree with their misdeeds. Hp love craft was a racist and I hear it so much on YouTube how his writing is good but don't agree with his racism. All because people just are so mindless that if you enjoy something of a racist, if you don't clarify you are a racist.

  12. Thinking that this would be a dream for Schmidt is a fundamental deformation of what he thinks, he does not promote the segmentation in casts- he states the inherent inequality of human nature and that equality should not be forced as it will never exist.


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