Check out my latest Game of Thrones Season 8 Theory that covers The Power of the Iron Bank.

This Iron Bank Theory uncovers the possible meaning behind a huge easter egg from one of the scenes in season 7.

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Will the Iron Bank have it’s due? Find out in this Braavos Theory.

Game of Thrones season 8 Iron bank will return!



  1. I dont think there is anything more to it that to put pressure on Cersei and add to the importance of the return of the gold which was very nearly burned by Dany, although Dany didnt know how close she came to destroying the gold and dooming Cersei tot he will of the Iron Bank. They show up because they know Cersei is the losing side and they dont want to lose all that money that is owned. Simple.

  2. The Iron Bank does not know anything about the WW so they would not see that as a reason to betray the crown. In that episode Tycho Nestoris said they they never had someone pay back the whole debt before which is what was done with the highgarden gold. So the band should trust the crown. Dany is not good for the iron bank

  3. What if the IB have already hired the CG to recover their 'dues' and Euron is bringing them over not knowing of their intentions. I thought she squared away her debt and then secured more funding for the GC?

    Whatever the situation, I think Cersie's death will be more dramatic than to die at the hands of the IB, but I do think they'll 'play a role' to weaken her cause, I think the IB can smell her vulnerability, even though she's bolshy.

    Can believe we've gotta wait over a year!! 😩

  4. My Season 8 theory agrees with yours in that the Iron Bank will be a bigger player. If Cersei lied to the Iron Bank that the gold was lost in Dany's attack and then went behind their back to hire the Golden Company, the IB will be pissed. If this didn't happen, then she is now in debt to them for the hiring price of the GC – BOTH of these positions are tenuous. The bank will most definitely play both sides in this game and fund a challenger to Cersei (Euron or the GC, or both). With Jamie on the other side, she will be left to the machinations of Euron. The attack on KL will come from Euron, Cersei will be killed and reanimated as the Night's Queen, and Euron will be killed by the Faceless Men or the NK. Meanwhile, the rest of the kingdom will be banding together to make a last stand at the God's Eye under the leadership of Jon and the remaining Lords of Westeros. I'd like to see the NK defeated, finally, and end the imbalance of magic vs. nature. The bittersweet ending will see all the 'wights' – fire and ice – be reclaimed by the one true god, Death. Cersei will die, the NK will die, but so will Jon and so will Davos (saved by the Drowned God, so a water wight), etc. The ending will be the establishment of 'freedom' as the wildlings take a larger role in the ruling of the continent by spreading the radical idea of the 'little birds' choosing their own leaders. This holds with GRRM's anti-war stance and his championship of democracy.

  5. Another great theory. I just want to say, I think I speak for everyone here, but I'm really happy you are back making videos again. Welcome back! Looking forward to next weeks video!

    Moving on, I like the idea that the Iron Bank will have it's due. I'm wondering exactly how it will play out though. So many questions, I'll start with this one.

    What about Theon? If Euron is heading to get the golden company with this gold, like you said, which would be Cersei betraying them. Wouldn't it be interesting if Theon shows up to rescue Yara, right around the time the Iron Bank makes a move, turns the company against Euron and Cersei? How cool would it be, to see Theon take down Euron with Yara helping, and both of them work out a deal with the bank to use the golden company to go help the North? Can you imagine, they all ride in to winterfell as the battle is going on, where they are desperate for reinforcements, with Theon and Yara leading the charge? I can see that in my head right now, it would be an amazing scene, it would also be kind of a closing moment on Theon managing to redeem his character, riding in with much needed support, the golden company at his back, helping save and rescue his childhood home, the one he nearly destroyed. If that didn't help the North forgive him, if that didn't help create peace between the Greyjoys and Starks, then what else possibly could?

    Now, I'm not saying that will happen, but I think it would be very cool. It would also make sense for the Bank, invest in the side that has the best chance to win for once. In the end, they would kind of be investing in Danny, but if the living win she will likely be the Queen anyways. Besides, if they fear turning against the Lannisters, the only one they would turn against is Cersei, the other significant lannisters are all against her now. The question this leaves us with is, what happens to Cersei?

    I think the Night King will destory kings landing, I think he will ride in on his dragon and destory it early on in S8, the vision Brandon has seen with the Dragon flying over, I think that is the Night King. Will Cersei die because of this? I don't think so, I think she will escape, but what happens after that is up in the air. I would imagine she would escape with the Mountain, Qyburn, and maybe a few soldiers, but where could they go? This might be how the Iron Bank would get here, offer protection all while leading her to exactly where they want her to be. Could she die from childbirth? Jamie is the father, it could fit? I'm still at a loss as to what happens to her in the final season. Part of me wishes she would go into hiding, Arya could secretly go after her with the hound, both of them want Cersei and the Mountain dead. I'd love to see our favorite team, Arya and the Hound, reunite one last time and go on a little quest.

    Well, that's it from me. Just like I said above, looking forward to the next video. Take it easy.

  6. I think there is a good chance the Iron Bank will use the golden company to defeat cersei for betraying them. This would lay the field open entirely to Jon and Danny vs the Night King. The whites have been teased as being the real threat since season 1, and I think they need them to be the real final opponent, instead of cersei. It would be lame imo if the Night king just gets defeated early on in s8 and they move on from all that to just end with jon and danny vs cersei

  7. If I was in charge of protecting the north and Jaime lanister came to me and made it clear that cersei gave her word only to actually do the opposite and decided that her needs were greater then humanity itself….then I would take the north and have them all leave their land go north avoiding the NK and give him a clear road to Kings Landing. Let cersei do what she wants and fight her part of the war alone and then deal with that outcome not only with all our forces combined but also not on our land where the snow and cold will be as much or a issue as the fight itself but also knowing the strategy used by the winner and how they fight as a unit. You can say well hey is NK wins then he'll hace more undead but he'll hace that anyway with each man woman or child that falls in the north on his way south. Not only that but also anyone smart enough to hide on ships in the fleet will be happy to then side with Jon Snow if Cersei can't win. Why does the north hace to fight first jusy cause they are north. The best part of undead army is that they don't need to loot the land they conquer or rape the woman or take the money. They simply pass by so nothing that a army requires to sustain itself is in any danger.

  8. I don't really see a big role for the Iron bank. The way I see it playing out is Theon killing Euron and hijacking the Golden Company to bring them to fight in the North. The Iron Bank will of course want to have a 'talk' with Cersei about that.

    Also I don't think King's Landing will be destroyed. I interpreted that scene as saying Dany could have taken the Iron Throne, but would have destroyed King's Landing in the process. Instead, just before she reaches out and takes it, she's distracted and goes to the North… (and dies).

  9. I think it's more about the Golden Company than the Bank. In the books, the Golden Company never breaks their contract… except for that one time. In the show, I think that when the GC see the dead coming for them, they're going to join Jon in a heartbeat. Contracts be damned! It's the end of the world!

  10. Nah. You've had some good theories but this is a reach.

    These are the conversations between Tycho and Cersei in episodes 3 & 4 this season.
    They 1) set the stage for the Golden Company to fight on Cersei's behalf w/ Iron Bank financing 2)wrap-up Lannister debt plot line 3) suggest the effectiveness of the GC mercenaries.
    Ep. 3 –
    -But let's talk about the Targaryen girl. You want to invest in her? I'm guessing the Iron Bank invested considerable gold in the slave trade. How are your profits now that Daenerys has freed all the slaves?
    – The slave trade has entered a downturn, it's true.
    -From what I gather, she considers herself more of a revolutionary than a monarch. In your experience, how do bankers usually fare with revolutionaries? The Lannisters owe the Iron Bank quite a lot of money, but Lannisters always pay their debts. Do former slaves or Dothraki or dragons?
    -Your father's daughter, indeed
    Ep. 4 –
    Tycho: I must say, I don't think the Iron Bank has ever had a debt of this magnitude repaid in a single installment… Some at the Iron Bank will be disappointed. They've grown rather fond of your interest payments.
    – We must devise a way to raise their spirits.
    – Yes, perhaps we could be of assistance in some current venture.
    – My only venture at this moment is reestablishing control over this continent and every person on it.
    – I see a great deal of potential in that venture. I imagine it would require outside investment.
    – It will, indeed. I need to expand my armies, my navies. My Hand, Qyburn, has made overtures to the Golden Company in Essos.
    – I know them well. They have helped us recover significant sums from parties who had fallen into deep arrears… Rest assured, Your Grace, you can count on the Iron Bank's support…

  11. Maybe the Iron Bank already hired the Golden Company.

    That way they can present Euron an ultimatum: Give us our gold and we will order the Golden Company to fight for Cersei. Don't give us the gold and we will order the Golden Company to first kill you and then Cersei.

    I also find the idea of giving the gold to Euron to be extremely reckless, which would actually fit Cersei's style very well. What's to stop him from taking the gold and trying to use it to buy the Golden Company for himself instead? There's also the not impossible chance that he would just take the gold and never come back. But I guess that that's not Euron's style. He's still an Ironborn in the end, and gold has never really been a big deal for those guys. They're more interested in power through strength than anything else. That's probably what Cersei is banking on (heh).

  12. I agree with you totally except I would add to that. Iron bank will hire the faceless men to eliminate cersei. Jaqen will instead head to arya and tell her to carry it out while crossing out cersei from her list. Once cersei dies by arya and mountain is killed by hound, order is restored except arya won't ever return to the north again. Euron might take over else he'll be killed by yara or theon. Resulting in destruction of kings landing.

  13. It looks like Euron is going to play Cersei. He will informed the IB that Cersei is unstable and it is he who is their man. I suspect the IB will be persuaded by Euron's talk and a name of Cersei Lannister will be passed to the IB enforcers the Faceless men. They dispatch Jaqen H'gar to Westeros. He contacts Arya tasking her to make Cersei her target. Thus it is Arya and the Hound going to King's Landing to dispatch Cersei and The Hound dispatch the Mountain so Arya can get out alive.

  14. I know that for the show to work, the Iron Bank had to still be civil with Cersei. But I think in the books, after multiple years of the Lannisters blowing them off, they wouldn't still b sending pleasant envoys to them. They will back Danearys. Even in the show, the bank wouldn't go against Danearys w the unsullied/Dothraki/dragons. The bank wouldn't b such great investors if they go against that

  15. I believe the Iron Bank was already paid and Cersei sent Euron to ship the Iron Company to Westeros after the bank already paid for them with another loan. I get this from memory of dialogue in season seven, which could be faulty.


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