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  1. I fail to see how a show I can watch at anytime is competing with a movie that I set aside a few hours for… its not a real headline or issue. I wish media would quit pushing this.

  2. I'm not sure if I'm even going to watch this new Punisher series they retconed it and they changed it so much I mean why is Bernthal even still playing the character, they might as well put Thomas Jane or whoever that other guy was in the War Journal. They have changed the story so much. They've changed jigsaw he's no longer a mobster I guess he's he's military and I mean why even watch it it's not even the same character anymore. Why do they have to make it political? Why did they have to turn it into something that is anti-military and make it so he did something that got his family killed so it's his fault. Well what is next, are they going to have it that President Trump owns the company owns the company that these guys all work for it. So I'm not sure if I'm even going to watch the show might even cancel my Netflix subscription.


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