I did a cover of The Rains of Castamere from Game of Thrones, please listen to it!
This song was suggested to me by someone on ask.fm and I couldn’t believe I never thought to cover it! I’m not a fan of Game of Thrones, but I have heard this song before and loved it! I really hope you guys like it too!
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PELASE DO NOT USE THIS COVER FOR NIGHTCORE. Any nightcore versions I find of my covers will be claimed for copyright by me. Thank you.



  1. When I listened to your cover and closed my eyes, a vivid image arose from the depths of my mind. A Lannister with a curtain of silken gold for hair, smilingly singing "The Rains of Castamere", like it was a simple nursery rhyme. A young Lannister, maybe an 8-year-old Cersei. I cannot decide whether the singing had a terrible undertone or not.

  2. Not to be a completely asshole. Female vocals do not sounds nearly as powerful and menacing in this masterpiece as a deep, male voice, this song is Tywinn´s masterpiece, dedicated to the Reyne´s, the dead house that he exterminated.

    This sounds sweet and tender, not menacing or melancholic.

  3. Ах, прекрасное исполнение! Я готова слушать это вечно, мне так нравится твой голос! Я просто таю… (=^ω^=)

  4. And who are you, the proud lord said,
    that I must bow so low?
    Only a cat of a different coat,
    that's all the truth I know.
    In a coat of gold or a coat of red,
    a lion still has claws,
    And mine are long and sharp, my lord,
    as long and sharp as yours.
    And so he spoke, and so he spoke,
    that lord of Castamere,
    But now the rains weep o'er his hall,
    with no one there to hear.
    Yes now the rains weep o'er his hall,
    and not a soul to hear.

  5. 10 worst things to do in Westeros
    10:Tell the truth.
    9:Fight Jaime Lannister.
    8:Be a King.
    7:Piss off Joffrey.
    6:Get married.
    5:Pet a Dragon.
    4:Rebel against Tywin Lannister.
    3:Trust Petyr Baelish.
    2:Kill a Stark.
    1:Piss off Ramsay Bolton.

  6. I love this song so much (as well as GoT obviously) and I'm so happy to have a reference for singing it caused its always so low and I'm a soprano so I have to usualy make it up as I go. Yey for the ability to be consistant! Also this just sounds really good well done Lizz


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